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Board Policy 5117 - Supplemental Learning Opportunities and Promotion and Retention

Supplemental Learning Opportunities

The Board of Education believes that students who fail to master specific prerequisite skills prior to entering high school are at increased risk of low achievement in high school, poor performance on the high school exit examinations, and denial of a high school diploma.  Research shows that early academic intervention is necessary to ensure that students are given additional opportunities to master basic skills. This intervention is best accomplished through extended learning opportunities provided by extending the school day with after-school tutorials, extending the school week with the addition of Saturday classes, and/or extending the school year with mandatory summer school. Therefore, the Board supports the development and operation of supplemental instructional programs, including but not limited to summer school and extended learning opportunities that help students master basic skills, subject to annual budget resource availability. The Superintendent r will oversee the development of an appropriate curriculum for these programs.

Promotion and Retention

The Board of Education believes that students should not be indiscriminately promoted through the grades without a level of skill mastery that will allow them to be successful at each succeeding grade. Research shows that students learn at different rates and some need longer than others to master specific academic skills. The Superintendent will oversee the implementation of a system that measures student achievement and provides supplemental programs for students who are not achieving at appropriate levels, subject to annual budget resource availability. Parents must be kept informed of lack of student progress that might result in failure and of the existence of supplemental learning opportunities.

Policy Adopted

Policy Amended

Policy Amended

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Amended

About This Policy

Updated April 29, 2010
