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Interpreting and Translation

8908 Riggs Road
Adelphi, Maryland 20783
Woman with headphones

The mission of the Office of Interpreting and Translation (OIT) is to bridge communication for families through the provision of language access resources, facilitating professional and efficient written translation and oral interpreting services. Central to the mission of the OIT is to support schools and offices with language-specific communication, such that families may have equitable opportunities for engagement.

Our Services

We provide services in the following languages:

・ Amharic・ Haitian Creole・Pashto・American Sign Language・Hindi・Punjabi ・Arabic・K’iche’ ・Spanish・Chinese/Mandarin・Kaqchikel ・Tigrinya ・Dari ・Mam・Urdu・Farsi・Masalit・Vietnamese・French・Nepali・Yoruba

Contact Information

Dr. Jennifer Love
Supervisor of Language Access & Engagement
Sandra Acevedo
Coordinator of Interpreting Services
Jimena Robbins
Coordinator of Translation Services
Interpreting Inquiries:
Translation Inquiries:

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