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Erwin Magnaye

Erwin Magnaye currently serves as a middle school ELD instructional coach, bringing with him a wealth of experience, which has garnered over 28 years in the educational field, with 17 years dedicated to Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in Library Science from the Philippine Normal University. Additionally, Erwin completed his Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching at De La Salle University-Manila as a full academic scholar.

In pursuit of furthering his expertise, Erwin is currently in the process of writing his dissertation for a Doctor of Education in Second Language Instruction. Throughout his tenure at PGCPS, Erwin has held various roles, including elementary school teacher, middle school ELD chairperson, ILT, curriculum writer, ELD CPD instructor, and ELD resident teacher program lead. His multifaceted experience underscores his commitment to advancing English language development and instructional excellence within the educational community.