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Galina Jmourko

Galina (Halla) Jmourko currently serves as a Middle School ELD Coach, leveraging her extensive background and expertise in language instruction. Halla embarked on her journey with the English Language Development (ELD) Department in 2006, initially serving as an Elementary School ELD coach. Prior to this, she honed her skills as an ELD teacher at Adelphi Elementary School and Mary Harris ‘Mother’ Jones Elementary School.

Holding a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Maryland, College Park, along with National Board Certification, Halla's qualifications exemplify her dedication to advancing language education. Originating from Ukraine, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Germanic Languages and taught English as a Foreign Language for about a decade before immigrating to the USA.

Halla's multilingual background and personal experiences as a mother of a bilingual child deeply influence her passion for addressing the academic challenges of multilingual student populations and the professional needs of their teachers. She has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between the ELD Department and the Departments of Mathematics (K-5) and Reading & Language Arts (K-5). Currently, she actively engages with the Middle School ELD team in collaboration with the RELA Department (6-8).

Halla's dedication extends beyond the local district, as she has represented PGCPS at numerous national conferences, including NCTM, Innov8, WIDA, TODOS, and ASCD. At these conferences, she has shared her insights on instructional tools and professional learning practices for integrating mathematics and language learning, contributing significantly to the field of educating multilingual learners (MLs).