The Prince George’s County Board of Education recognizes the need for members of the public to provide comments and opinions to the members of the Board of Education regarding agenda items for designated meetings and on education in general. To receive such information, the Board of Education shall allow 45 minutes for public comment at each regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.
Interested in providing testimony to the Board of Education (Board) regarding meeting agenda items and educational policies and procedures in general? The Board welcomes members of the community to provide comments for its Board meeting.
According to the newly-adopted Policy 8100, community members will be able to provide comments for review during Board meetings, including live testimony, and the submission of written testimony, a pre-recorded video or audio-recording. Registrants will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration to provide live testimony, written testimony, pre-recorded video and audio-recordings will be accepted from the community until noon the day of the meeting. Written and pre-recorded video and audio-recordings will be posted on BoardDocs under the “Public Comments” section of the agenda. Per Board Policy 8345, the maximum number of speakers shall not exceed fifteen (15) since the total time allotted is 45 minutes. All testimony must not exceed three (3) minutes in duration.
All registrants MUST register themselves and provide their personal contact information (email, telephone number, etc.).
In your verbal, written testimony, pre-recorded video or audio testimony you are asked to:
• use titles rather than the individual names of anyone you need to refer to in your testimony;
• refrain from using any vulgar remarks, inappropriate language, or making personal attacks against anyone;
• include only your name and the date of the Board meeting at the top of your testimony, but not include any other personal contact information (including address, phone number, email address)
Your adherence to these guidelines will enable the public comment process to move smoothly. If you do not adhere to these guidelines, you may relinquish your privilege to provide public comment at future Board meetings or public hearings.
You may submit your testimony via email to
You do not need to sign up to observe the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The registration form will be available for registrations according to the Public Comment Form Registration Availability Dates Chart.
The Board Committees (Academic Achievement Committee; Operations, Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee; and Policy & Governance Committee) will be meeting virtually via ZOOM. According to the newly-adopted Policy 8100, community members will be able to submit comments for review during Committee meetings, including live testimony and the submission of written testimony, pre-recorded video or audio-recording. Registrants will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for live testimony, written testimony, pre-recorded videos, and audio-recordings will be accepted from the community until noon the day of the meeting and posted on BoardDocs under the “Public Comments” section of the meeting agenda. The Committee will allot 12 slots for the submission of testimony from the public and reserve 3 slots for our labor partners. All live testimony, pre-recorded video or audio testimony must not exceed three (3) minutes in duration and must adhere to the same expectations for in-person presentations.