Course: Office Systems Management 1
Course: Office Systems Management 1
Career Academies and Programs of Study: Business and Finance
The Office Systems Management course provides students with a study of basic business practices, information systems and computer applications. Students develop managerial and technical skills for business support operations through applied learning. Problem-solving skill development is incorporated throughout the course to meet the recommendations made through the Maryland Skills for Success. Competencies include applying emerging technologies in order to complete appropriate office operations; using spreadsheets, desktop publishing and/or word processing software in order to create business documents and professional presentations; exhibiting appropriate interpersonal teamwork and leadership skills in order to succeed in the business world; demonstrating a knowledge of acceptable values and behaviors in order to become ethically responsible employees; and developing an appreciation of diversity in the workplace. Industry standard office equipment and the most current Microsoft Office software available will be used in this course.
Principles of Business Administration and Management, Business Management and Finance Academy Grade 11
Business Administrative Services CTE
Dual Enrollment Compatible Course:
Office Systems Management 1