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9201 East Hampton Drive NA
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
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What is AVID?

AVID is Advancement Via Individual Determination, a College and Career Readiness System for secondary students in grades 6 - 12. AVID is designed to increase the number of students who enroll and succeed in higher education and in their lives beyond high school.

What AVID Does?

AVID is an academically challenging college readiness system that prepares students for success in college and life beyond. AVID instructional practices are used schoolwide and the AVID Elective class is utilized to add an extra layer of support for college readiness if a student chooses to participate. The foundation for instruction in AVID is driven by the WICOR strategies. WICOR stands for Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization and Reading. AVID professional learning and resources help teachers improve student performance by embedding best teaching practices, encouraging self-advocacy, providing support, and building relationships that encourage high levels of student engagement.

  • Teaches skills and behaviors for academic success
  • Provides intensive support with tutorials and strong student/ teacher relationships
  • Creates a positive peer group for students
  • Develops a sense of hope for personal achievement gained through hard work and determination

Contact Information

Advanced Programs, AVID and SAT-PSAT-ACT Information