August 28, 2023
For Immediate Release
Office of Communications
Superintendent House to review academics, operations, safety and engagement in the first 90 days.
UPPER MARLBORO, MD – Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Superintendent Millard House II has released his 90-day entry plan, Planting the Seeds: Listen, Learn, Lead. The plan establishes both focus areas for his first 90 days as Superintendent and long-term outcomes for the school system.
“Since joining the school system in July, I have focused on immersing myself in the diverse PGCPS community,” said Superintendent House. “Over the next few weeks, I will continue to listen and learn, taking account of what is working well, identifying areas for improvement and identifying the steps we need to take to realize our vision of moving PGCPS forward.”
The plan’s four focus areas — equitable teaching and learning environments; proactive safety and security; a strong operational and financial core; and meaningful family and community engagement — are centered on three outcomes:
This fall, Superintendent House will hold five community listening sessions, including three in-person forums, a virtual event and a gathering for Spanish-speaking families. Following the sessions, he will issue a comprehensive report based on a review of all school and district-level operations, programs, policies and procedures.
Superintendent House was appointed by County Executive Angela Alsobrooks to succeed Dr. Monica Goldson, who retired in June. The entry plan is available on the PGCPS website.