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Elevating the Teaching Profession: Teacher Career Ladder

Teacher Career Ladder

Maryland's Blueprint Teacher Career Ladder is a structured framework introduced under the Blueprint for Maryland's Future legislation. It aims to elevate the teaching profession by providing clear, merit-based pathways for career advancement. The ladder consists of multiple tiers, starting from State Certified Teacher to Lead Teacher, National Board-Certified Teacher (NBCT), and culminating in roles like Teacher Leader and Administrator.

Key features include:

  1. National Board Certification as a cornerstone for progression, recognizing expertise and dedication. Educators who have their national board certification will be on level 3 of the career ladder. For those interested in pursuing their NBC, please register for an information session through eDoctrina. 
  2. Opportunities for increased compensation tied to advanced roles, additional responsibilities, and improved student outcomes. Compensations will be differentiated based on work locations. Those working at identified low performing schools will receive higher compensation. 
  3. Support for teachers to pursue professional development and leadership roles without leaving classroom instruction entirely.

Pilot Program

PGCPS and PGCEA have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to pilot Level 4 of the Teacher Career Ladder. 16 Unit 1 Central Office employees volunteered to divide their workday to being a teacher or co teacher of record at a selected school while simultaneously honoring the commitments of their primary job. The program will allow for opportunities to assess best practices for Level 4 of the career ladder.

PGCPS Teacher Career Ladder Infographic