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Examples of Fraud, Waste and Abuse that Should be Reported

  • Fraud - An intentional act or attempt to obtain something of value from the local school system or another person through willful misrepresentation.  
    • Theft and/or embezzlement 
    • Falsifying records or documents
    • Paid hours not worked
    • Personal use of PGCPS property
    • Billing or payment for service not rendered
  • Waste - An inappropriate act or omission by an employee with control over or access to PGCPS property or funds that unreasonably deprives the local school system of value. 
    • Buying excessive goods and services
    • Ineffective use of resources
  • Abuse - An employee’s intentional misconduct or misuse of authority or position.
    • Bribery or kickbacks
    • Using one’s position for personal gain
    • Receiving favor for awarding contracts to certain vendors