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Join Our Team & Become a Media Specialist

In PGCPS, our school libraries are the hub of the school and should be innovative, vibrant, and flexible spaces, staffed with school librarians who inspire our students to become tech savvy and independent life-long learners. To turn this vision into a reality, we depend on our creative team of dedicated and passionate media specialists.

If you are an educator and are interested in becoming a media specialist, follow the instructions below and submit an "I do not qualify but would like to request a review of my credentials" application in The Educator Application and Certification Hub (TEACH), Maryland’s portal for educator certification.     

To submit an application through TEACH

1.       Log into the MSDE TEACH system, 

2.       On the right-hand side under Online Services 

3.       Select: I do not qualify but would like to request a review of my credentials

4. Follow the instructions and select Save & Next until you have completed the Application Submission.  

Please email with any questions.

State of Maryland Certification Requirements MSDE - Current certification requirements from the State of Maryland

The following university programs involve field experiences, practical training, theoretical and research-based foundation on the field of information studies. Interested candidates should research each program to determine the best fit for their circumstances. While some programs offer a face-to-face classroom experience, others are completely online and others are a hybrid of the two models. The universities listed below offer programs that fulfill the Maryland Department of Education certification requirements for School Library Media Specialist.  

List of School Library Media Programs

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