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Administrative Procedure 0114 - School Uniforms

I. Purpose

To set forth how a school can establish or eliminate a voluntary or mandatory school uniform program.

II. Policy

The Board of Education believes that students attending Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) should dress in a way that is consistent with creating a positive and non-disruptive learning environment and respecting students’ rights to express themselves through their choice of personal attire. (Board Policy 0114)

III. Definitions

  1. Mandatory School Uniform Program: One that requires students at a school to wear an adopted school uniform that is consistent with the System-wide Student Dress Code, Administrative Procedure Number 5152.
  2. School Uniform Committee: A committee composed of representatives of the school community, including parents, administration, and students.
  3. Voluntary School Uniform Program: One that authorizes and encourages students at a school to wear an adopted school uniform that is consistent with the System-wide Student Dress Code, Administrative Procedure Number 5152.

IV. Procedures

The Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Voluntary and Mandatory Uniform Programs are as follows:

  1. Voluntary Uniform Program: Any school may adopt a voluntary uniform program without further approval from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the CEO’s designee, subject to the following:
    1. The Principal shall organize and convene a School Uniform Committee. The School Uniform Committee shall decide issues relating to the color, style, and type of uniform to be worn by students who choose to wear the school’s uniform.
    2. Uniforms shall comply in all respects with the System-wide Student Dress Code, Administrative Procedure Number 5152.
    3. The wearing of school uniforms is not mandatory.
    4. Students will not be disciplined or otherwise penalized for failing to wear the school’s uniform.
    5. The School Uniform Committee will establish mechanisms to accommodate families who may require assistance in obtaining a uniform.
    6. In a voluntary program, parents may determine whether their children will wear the school’s uniform.
    7. The school shall participate, if requested, in any evaluation of the school uniform program.
    8. The Principal shall notify the Division of School Support and Leadership by email of the decision to adopt a voluntary uniform program.
  2. Mandatory Uniform Program: A school may adopt a mandatory uniform program without further approval from the CEO or the CEO’s designee, in accordance with the following provisions:
    1. Initiation of the Process: Upon receipt of a petition favoring mandatory school uniforms signed by the parent(s) or guardian(s) representing at least 20% of the students enrolled at the school in the month the petition was submitted, the school Principal will establish a School Uniform Committee. An unaccompanied homeless youth, as defined in Administrative Procedure 5010, may participate in the petition.
    2. Voting Procedures:
      1. The School Uniform Committee shall disseminate ballots to each parent(s) or guardian(s) equal to the number of students that the parent/guardian has enrolled in the school. (For example, if a parent/guardian has three (3) children enrolled at the school in question, the parent/guardian will receive three (3) ballots.) Any unaccompanied homeless youths enrolled at the school shall receive a ballot. The Principal, in consultation with the School Uniform Committee, will determine the most equitable way of distributing the ballots.
      2. A brief, unbiased statement shall be included with the ballot that provides information about the proposed mandatory school uniform program and indicates that the results of the vote by the parents/ guardians will determine whether the school will have a mandatory school uniform program.
      3. It shall take the affirmative vote of at least 50% of the parents/ guardians/unaccompanied homeless youth to establish a mandatory school uniform program. The school Principal and the School Uniform Committee will determine the number of affirmative votes required, which shall be calculated using the enrollment number utilized for the initiating petition in section IV.B.1. If an insufficient number of affirmative votes are cast among the returned ballots, the proposal fails.
      4. The deadline for all ballots to be submitted by parent(s)/guardian(s)/ unaccompanied homeless youth is April 30 for implementation the following school year. Adjustments will be made if Spring Break falls on April 30.
      5. After the school has adopted a mandatory uniform program, the Principal will complete Attachment 1, UNIFORM SELECTION/VOTE FORM.
      6. Once the mandatory uniform program has been established, the program will remain in effect for five (5) years or until a petition against the program is signed by parents or guardians representing at least 20% of the number of students enrolled at the school in the month the petition was submitted at which time, the school will conduct a new vote.
      7. Starting on July 1, 2022, all mandatory school uniform programs will remain in effect until July 1, 2027, or until parents/guardians/ unaccompanied homeless youth representing at least 20% of the student enrollment at a school initiate a petition against the program.
        1. To eliminate a mandatory school uniform program, upon receipt of a valid petition the Principal will convene the School Uniform Committee. The School Uniform Committee will prepare and disseminate a ballot as set forth above in sections IV.B.2.a.-b..The statement that accompanies the ballot will explain that a petition has been received to repeal the program. The elimination of the existing mandatory uniform program will require at least 50% of the ballots received voting in favor of the program’s repeal. If it is not repealed, the program will remain in effect for the duration of its original five (5) year period.
        2.  The petition and ballot process to potentially repeal a mandatory school uniform program may take place at any time during the school year. However, if the program is repealed according to the votes cast, it will not take effect until the next school year.
    3. a. Uniforms shall comply in all respects with the System-wide Student Dress Code, Administrative Procedure Number 5152. The School Uniform Committee must choose a uniform that can be purchased from more than one vendor or store (i.e., navy blue pants and white shirt).
      b. If the School Uniform Committee wants the school logo on the uniform, then the vendor selling the shirt or jacket with the school logo must be on the PGCPS approved vendor list. Parents may opt to purchase the uniform from the approved uniform company or purchase the same style, without any logo, from the store of their choice.
    4. The School Uniform Committee will establish mechanisms to accommodate families who may require assistance in obtaining a uniform.
    5. The school shall participate, if requested, in any evaluation of the school uniform program.
  3. Compliance Measures in a Mandatory Uniform School
    1. Schools that have adopted a mandatory school uniform program shall implement compliance measures as indicated below:
      1. The school shall communicate on a regular basis with parent(s) or guardian(s) so that the expectations, rationale, and benefits of this program are fully understood by the student and his/her family.
      2. The school shall develop incentives and other positive reinforcement measures in consultation with the student’s parents or guardians in lieu of disciplinary actions.
  4. Exceptions
    1. The school uniform program must accommodate students’ religious expression, i.e. wearing of yarmulkes or head scarves as part of a religious practice.
    2. The school uniform program must accommodate students’ right to dress in accordance with their gender identity.
    3. Uniforms of nationally recognized youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts may be worn on regular meetings days.
    4. A uniform program does not prevent a student from wearing a button, armband, or other item guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution unless the button or other item is related to gangs, gang membership, gang activity, or will materially and substantially interfere with the school’s operations.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. Schools shall maintain records (Attachment 1) of the vote and decision to adopt or discontinue a voluntary or mandatory uniform program under this procedure for at least five (5) years following the decision to adopt or discontinue a mandatory uniform program.
  2. Principals shall ensure that families are notified in writing each year of the established mechanisms to accommodate families who may require assistance in obtaining a uniform.
  3. A school’s Principal shall notify the Chief of School Support and Leadership about the school’s adoption or repeal of a voluntary or mandatory uniform program. The Chief of School Support and Leadership will in turn provide the CEO with a list of schools that have voluntary and mandatory uniform programs.

VI. Related Procedures

VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Division of School Support and Leadership will be responsible for updating these procedures.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure, now numbered 0114, cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 0600, dated September 4, 2018.

IX. Effective Date

July 1, 2022

About This Procedure

Revised: July 1, 2022
