I. Purpose
To establish procedures for processing construction contract change orders and to assign responsibilities for Administrative approval.
II. Policy
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or appointed designee, is authorized to approve change orders that are less than or equal to $250,000 and where the total project cost, including the pending change order, is less than or equal to the project budget as reflected in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) approved by the Board and County government. The CEO will notify the Board of Education of all approved change orders at the time the completed project is submitted for final acceptance and payment. (Board Policy 7430)
III. Information
Proposed construction change orders that exceed $250,000 must be approved by the Board of Education at a duly constituted meeting prior to modifying the construction contract.
IV. Definitions
- Change Order: The formal process whereby modifications to the base contract scope of construction work established in the solicitation documents and the drawings/specifications published during the bid process are agreed to by the Owner, Contractor and Architect/Engineer of Record. The change order process is used to add or delete work from the construction contract and may or may not alter the original contract amount and/or completion date.
The term “change order” only applies to contracts explicitly for construction services held by a Contractor for the execution of demolition, renovation or new construction work. The term does not apply to consultants or vendors rendering professional services that may support the project but do not actually perform any construction work.
- Letter of Modification: A minor change in contract documents, which does not significantly alter the contract plans or specifications and does not involve a change in contract amount or time of completion.
V. Procedures
The following procedures apply to development and approval of change orders.
- Responsibilities:
- General: The responsibilities of the Owner, Architect/Engineer, and Contractor shall be as specified in the general conditions of the contract, AIA Document 201, “General Conditions of the Contract for Construction” (latest version) as may be modified by supplemental general conditions. AIA Document 201 shall be made a part of each construction contract.
- Architect: The Architect/Engineer or Owner as Architect is responsible for the preparation of all change orders. He or she shall review all change order proposals and recommend approval or disapproval based on an interpretation of the contract documents and the contractor's proposal.
- Department of Capital Programs: The Director of Capital Programs shall review all change order proposals submitted by the architect and make a recommendation for approval or disapproval. The Director of Capital Programs shall have the authority to approve all Letters of Modification.
- Authority for Approval:
- Project Manager: The assigned Project Manager from the Department of Capital Programs shall have the authority to approve change orders not exceeding $25,000 for projects under the total project budget.
- Project Management Supervisor: The PM Supervisor shall have the authority to approve change orders not exceeding $100,000 for projects under the Board-approved project budget.
- Director of Capital Programs: The Director of Capital Programs shall have the authority to approve change orders not exceeding $250,000 for projects under the Board-approved project budget.
- Processing:
- All change orders shall be reviewed and prepared for the signature of the appropriate approval authority within ten (10) days of receipt. Change orders ready for and requiring Board of Education approval received ten (10) days prior to a Board meeting shall be placed on the Board of Education agenda for that meeting.
- In the event an emergency approval is necessary, the Board Chair may approve the change order at the recommendation of the CEO under the emergency terms and conditions established in Board Policy 7430.
- The Department of Capital Programs must prepare a monthly report of all approved change orders for the Board of Education.
VI. Related Policies and Procedures
VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures
These procedures originate with the Office of the Associate Superintendent of Supporting Services and updating will be accomplished as may be necessary.
VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures
This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 7430, dated July 1, 2013.
IX. Effective Date
September 27, 2017