I. Purpose
To provide guidance in the implementation of the grade change authorization and appeals process to be used in all schools in Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS).
II. Policy
The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) believes that all students can learn and achieve at high levels, that rigorous performance and achievement standards are essential components of developing and delivering quality instruction, and that regular assessment is an important component of an effective teaching and learning environment and an important tool in measuring students’ learning. (Board Policy 5121)
III. Background
- As directed by COMAR (Code of Maryland Regulations) 13A.03.02.08, each local school system shall develop a written policy on grading and reporting which shall include a component providing an explanation of grade changing procedures. This administrative procedure provides direction specifically for the grade change authorization and grade appeal process related to PGCPS’ written grading policy.
- Principals/designees, under the guidance of district personnel, are responsible for ensuring that grading and reporting policies and procedures are applied consistently within their school. A clear procedure to address the process for grade changes must be defined, implemented and strictly adhered to.
- Principals/designees are required to participate in related annual training; review this administrative procedure with all instructional staff; and identify their grade manager, transcript manager, Student Intervention Team Chairperson, and other designees to complete all related tasks in order to ensure implementation with fidelity.
- As PGCPS transitions into a new student information system, terminology and process updates are pending.
IV. Definitions
- Appeal – Process initiated by a parent, guardian, or a student who is 18 years old or older (an “eligible student”), within five (5) school days after the release of a quarter or final report card using the Grade Appeal form (see Attachment A) to request a grade change. Evidence supporting the appeal must be included.
- Assigned teacher – Teacher of record for a course in question during the specified time period as designated in the electronic student information system. A co-teacher assigned to the course also qualifies as an assigned teacher.
- Attestation – Principals will sign a quarterly attestation that all grade change processes have been completed.
- Dual enrollment colleges/universities - The general Dual enrollment program of Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credits while still completing their secondary education.
- Evidence – Information including, but not limited to, student work, student information system reports, email messages and other forms of communication and written statements that are provided to or by the principal, Student Intervention Team (SIT), parent, student and/or assigned teacher to assist in reviewing the necessity for a grade change. Evidence must be printed and filed along with the Grade Change Authorization form (PS-140) in the student cumulative folder by the principal’s designee and uploaded when an electronic PS-140 is processed.
- Final grade – Grade calculated based on average quarter grades and course assigned term code (quarter, semester and full year). The final grade also appears on the student’s official transcript for high school courses.
- Grade Appeal Committee – Group of designated individuals led by the SIT Chairperson whose responsibility is to review parent/guardian/eligible student appeals during the grade change window when there is a disagreement with the assigned teacher or other identified circumstance in a Grade Appeal Meeting. The principal may not be a part of this committee.
- Grade Appeal form – Document on which a grade change may be requested within five (5) school days of the release of a quarter or final report card. (Attachment A)
- Grade Appeal Meeting – Process utilized by the SIT to determine the outcome of an appeal related to an assigned grade.
- Grade change – Changes in the student information system to an existing quarter and/or final grade after the close of the grade publishing window per the approval process.
- Grade change appeal – The process followed if the initial grade change request (PS-140) or appeal is denied.
- Grade change window – The time period after the close of the grade publishing window when principals, teachers and/or SIT chairpersons are able to process a grade change request using the PS-140 and, if approved, update the student information system. Parents/guardians/eligible students and staff are also able to submit appeals or grade change requests during the first five (5) school days of the grade change window occurring after release of a quarter or final report card using the Grade Appeal form.
- Grade manager –school-based personnel assigned by the principal and responsible for updating quarter and final grades in the student information system grades module. A central office grade manager may be assigned for cases not defined in this procedure.
- Grade override – A modification to the grade that occurs after the quarterly marking period ends but before the grade publishing window closes. The grade resulting from the override shall be called the “new grade.” The grade initially recorded but later modified shall be called the “old grade.”
- Grade Point Average (GPA) – The total number of grade points received over a given period divided by the total number of credits awarded. See Administrative Procedures 5121.1 (elementary schools), 5121.2 (middle schools) and 5121.3 (high schools).
- Grade publishing window – The time period near the end of each quarter when teachers are responsible for entering and publishing grades in the student information system per the annual schedule posted in the staff portal.
- Maryland Virtual Learning Online (MVLO) - Maryland Virtual Learning Opportunities is a program designed to give students the opportunity to take a course that is not offered at their school. Students are afforded this opportunity through taking an MSDE approved course fully online with the mentorship of a school staff member.
- PS-140 – Electronic application completed by approved school staff for any grade change requested after the closing of the grade publishing window and in accordance with this administrative procedure. The PS-140 is available in the Staff Portal under Grade Change Authorization Module.
- Quarter grade – Grade assigned to a student at the end of a nine (9) week marking period.
- School of record – If grade changes are made and the assigned teacher is no longer at the school or the student has changed schools, updates are made at the school of record where the grades were earned.
- Student information system – A software solution used in PGCPS to manage student data, including grades, attendance, and schedules.
- Student Intervention Team (SIT) – School staff who meet to help a teacher(s) identify and implement appropriate interventions for students who need support so that they are ready and able to learn, as well as students who are in need of support for acceleration. Members of the SIT also serve as a Grade Appeal Committee. For purposes of the grade change process, the principal is not a member of the SIT Grade Appeal Committee. Members include:
- General Educator(s);
- Professional School Counselor(s);
- Administrator(s);
- School-based Specialist(s) (e.g. Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, Instructional Lead Teacher (ILT), Special Area/Elective Subject Teachers);
- School Nurse; and
- Other staff as appropriate.
- Transcript manager - School-based staff member assigned by the principal and responsible for changing transcript grades (i.e., final grades) in the student information system transcript module. A central office transcript manager is assigned for cases not defined within this procedure.
V. Procedures
- Procedures
- An assigned teacher’s grade must clearly be defensible, and nothing will be construed to prevent a principal or principal’s designee from discussing the grade of a student with a classroom teacher. Any grade change made after the grade publishing window must be done following the grade change process set forth in this administrative procedure and the PS-140 must indicate the person responsible for making the request and the person responsible for approving the grade change.
- No classroom teacher will be required by the Board, Superintendent, principal or any school administrator or other staff member to change the grade of a student. No classroom teacher will be disciplined by the Board, Superintendent, principal or any school administrator or other staff member for not changing a grade of a student. This protection will not apply, however, when a teacher has failed to comply with Board Policy 5121 – Grading and Reporting for Elementary and Secondary Students or this administrative procedure.
- All grade change window dates and procedures will follow the approved school calendar. This calendar is subject to change throughout the year. The official school calendar may be found on the PGCPS website.
- Procedures for Authorized Grade Entry
- All students in an assigned teacher’s course must receive a grade during the end of the quarter grade publishing window if enrolled 21 or more school days in the course per Administrative Procedures 5121.1, 5121.2 and 5121.3 – Grading and Reporting for Elementary, Middle, and High School.
- Principals/designees including but not limited to the grade manager and other administrative personnel, are responsible for confirming that all grades are submitted prior to the closing of the grade publishing window.
- Grade Change Request – General Information for all Roles
- Grade change requests may be submitted by the assigned teacher, principal, instructional director or SIT Chair. All grade change requests must be entered and processed in the Grade Change Authorization form, PS-140, within the grade change window. Only report card quarter or final grades may be changed for students in grades K-12.
- All approved grade changes in the PS-140 must be completed in the student information system prior to the closing of the grade change window for the prior quarter. Requesting, approving and completing grade change requests outside of the grade change window will require action by the instructional director and Associate Superintendent.
- When a request is approved by the principal, Instructional Director, or Associate Superintendent, notification and documentation are sent to the school grade manager and/or transcript manager in the PS-140.
- If additional information is required, the request is held in pending status for an additional upload. Approving the request moves it to the next level of approval.
- Quarter Grade Change
Once a quarter grade change is approved, notification is sent to the grade manager through the PS-140. The grade manager is responsible for adjusting the grade(s) in the student information system accordingly and then updating the GPA calculations. Afterwards, the grade manager must complete the grade manager action in the PS-140 to document that all changes have been made. The grade manager will also be responsible for ensuring the completed grade change request and accompanying documents/evidence from the PS-140 are placed in the student’s cumulative folder, unless it involves a final grade change.
- Final Grade Change
- If a grade change involves changing a final grade, a PS-140 notification will be sent to the transcript manager who will be responsible for adjusting the final grade in the transcript module accordingly.
- The transcript manager will then be responsible for ensuring the updated transcript and completed grade change request along with accompanying documents/evidence from the PS-140 are placed in the student’s cumulative folder. Finally, the transcript manager must complete the transcript manager action in the PS-140 to document that all changes have been made.
- At the conclusion of a grade change process, the transcript manager ensures all related documents - Grade Appeal Form, PS-140, evidence – with signatures and decision are filed in the student cumulative folder.
- The PS-140 and student information system grade change reports and cumulative folder must be reconciled quarterly by the principal and designees to ensure that documentation is in place for each student information system entry and to resolve any discrepancy.
- Grade Change Request Process by Role
- Assigned-Teacher Initiated Grade Changes
- Assigned teachers must use the PS-140 in order to initiate grade change requests during the grade change window.
- The assigned teacher must provide an explanation for the requested change along with accompanying documents/evidence uploaded to the PS-140.
- Notification from the PS-140 will be sent to the principal. The principal must use the PS-140 to approve, deny, or require additional information to support the request for a grade change in the PS-140 prior to the close of the grade change window.
- If approved, the grade and/ or transcript manager must take actions described in Procedures.
- If additional information is required, the principal must indicate their response to the teacher with a reason in the PS-140. If additional information is required, the request is held in pending status for an additional upload. Approving the request moves it to the next level of approval.
- If the request is denied, the principal must provide justification to the teacher in the PS-140. The assigned teacher may appeal the principal’s decision to the Instructional Director within three (3) school days.
- The Instructional Director’s decision may be petitioned within five (5) school days each to the Associate Superintendent, then Chief of School Leadership and Support, and finally to the Office of Appeals.
- If an assigned teacher needs to request a grade change outside of the grade change window, the teacher must submit all accompanying documents/evidence to the principal to request action by the Instructional Director. The teacher must provide an explanation for the requested change, reason for initiating outside of the grade change window, and evidence to support the grade change request.
- Principal-Initiated Grade Changes
- Principals must use the PS-140 in order to initiate grade change requests during the grade change window.
- The principal must provide an explanation for the requested change along with supporting documents/evidence uploaded to the PS-140.
- The assigned teacher must respond in the PS-140 to indicate whether they are in agreement or not in agreement with the principal-initiated grade change request. A teacher will have up to two (2) school days to indicate their response in the PS-140. Teacher disagreement, failure to respond, absence or vacancy will not supersede or delay the decision of the Instructional Director.
- If the teacher did not provide input, the instructional director will check “teacher failed to provide input” on the PS-140. Notification from the PS-140 will be sent to the Instructional Director. The Instructional Director must approve, deny, or require additional information to support the request for a grade change in the PS-140.
- If approved, the grade and/ or transcript manager must take actions described in Procedures.
- If additional information is required, the Instructional Director must indicate their response to the principal with a reason in the PS-140. If additional information is required, the request is held in pending status for an additional upload. Approving the request moves it to the next level of approval with the Associate Superintendent.
- If the request is denied, the Instructional Director must provide justification in the PS-140 to the principal who will notify the person who made the request. The principal may appeal the Instructional Director’s decision to the Associate Superintendent within three (3) school days.
- The Associate Superintendent’s decision may be petitioned by the person making the initial request within five school days each to the Chief of School Leadership and Support, and finally to the Office of Appeals.
- If a grade change request needs to be initiated outside of the grade change window, the principal must submit all accompanying documents/evidence in the PS-140 to request action by the Instructional Director. The principal must provide an explanation for the requested change, reason for initiating outside of the grade change window, and evidence to support the grade change request.
- Instructional Director-Initiated Grade Changes
- The Instructional Director must use the PS-140 in order to initiate grade change requests.
- The Instructional Director must provide an explanation for the requested change along with accompanying documents/evidence uploaded to the PS-140.
- The assigned teacher must respond in the PS-140 to indicate whether they are in agreement or not in agreement with the initiated grade change request. A teacher will have up to two (2) school days to indicate their response in the PS-140. Teacher disagreement or failure to respond, vacancy or absence will not supersede or delay the decision of the instructional director. Failure to respond within two (2) school days will not delay the processes of approval or filing.
- Notification from the PS-140 will be sent to the Associate Superintendent. If the teacher did not provide input, the Associate Superintendent will check “teacher failed to provide input” on the PS-140.The Associate Superintendent must approve, deny, or require additional information to support the request for a grade change in the PS-140.
- ) If approved, the grade and/ or transcript manager must take actions described in Procedures.
- ) If additional information is required, the request is held in pending status for an additional upload. Approving the request moves it to the next level of approval.
- ) If the request is denied, the Associate Superintendent must provide justification in the PS-140 to the Instructional Director who will notify the person making the request. The Associate Superintendent's decision may be petitioned within five school days each to the Associate Superintendent, then Chief of School Leadership and Support, and then to the Office of Appeals.
- ) The Associate Superintendent’s decision may be appealed by the initial requestor within five (5) school days each to the Chief of School Leadership and Support, and finally to the Office of Appeals.
- Dual Enrollment/Maryland Virtual Learning Online (MVLO) Grade Changes
- Quarter and semester grading systems for PGCPS, are not aligned to dual enrollment colleges/universities, and MVLO courses. The grade manager or assigned teacher will need to place a grade of UC for the quarters where there are no grades received from the college/university at the time that PGCPS grades are due. See Administrative Procedure 5121.3 Grading and Reporting High School.
- Once final grades have been received from the college/university or MVLO course, Student Applications will enter the letter grade received from the college/university or MVLO course into the appropriate quarter(s). Fall Semester = quarter 2; Spring Semester = quarter 4.
- For students who receive grades after the grading window closes or who have grade changes at their college/university, a Dual Enrollment Grade Changes Exception Notice (Attachment B) must be completed and attached to the copy of the official transcript from the college/university. Both documents (the notice and transcript) must be placed in the student’s cumulative folder.
- Grade Appeals
- Grade Appeals may be initiated by the parent/guardian or eligible student.
- General Requirements
- Report card quarter or final grades may be appealed for students in grades K-12. Progress report grades and incoming grades for transfer students are not eligible for the grade appeals process.
- Notification will be posted on the systemic calendar posted on the PGCPS website informing parents of the timeline for filing grade appeals at the end of each grading period.
- The parent, guardian, or eligible student must initiate grade appeals within five (5) school days of the release of report cards, with the exception of the 4th quarter and Summer Grade Appeals, as outlined in Process of Appeals section. Appeals must be submitted by noon on the final day.
- All appeals must be completed on the Grade Appeal form (Attachment A) and include evidence which is not limited to:
- ) Written communication
- ) Student work
- ) Student information system reports
- Appeals must be made to the school of record at which the grade was earned.
- Grounds for Appeal – Grade appeals may only be initiated for the reasons set forth in this section. In each case, proper evidence must be provided and attached to the Grade Appeal form (Attachment A). This evidence will be uploaded into the PS-140 by school-based staff member submitting the PS-140 to support the appeal
- Completion of make-up work. A copy of the completed make-up work must be scanned and uploaded to the PS-140;
- Error in grade entry or calculation in the teacher gradebook or schedule of courses;
- Lawful absences as defined in COMAR and Administrative Procedure 5113 Student Attendance, Absence, and Truancy;
- Failure to provide allowable accommodations, supplemental aid or services in accordance with a student’s IEP or 504 plan;
- Student transferred from outside of the district and non-district grades were not calculated in the quarter grade; or
- Other specified reason.
- Process of Appeals
- Appeal Initiated by Parent or Eligible Student
- The parent/guardian or eligible student must submit a Grade Appeal form (Attachment A) by email or in person to the assigned teacher and principal identifying the reason(s) for appeal with supporting evidence within the Grade Change Window.
- Appeals that lack supporting evidence must be denied.
- The teacher must respond to the appeal within two (2) school days. If the teacher is in agreement, they must indicate their response on the Grade Appeal form (Attachment A) and notify the parent/guardian and student in writing by mail or email. Then, the teacher must initiate a grade change using the PS-140 and upload the Grade Appeal form and accompanying documents/evidence prior to the end of the grade change window. A Grade Appeal Committee meeting is not required if the teacher agrees with the appeal.
- If the teacher is not in agreement with the appeal, they must provide a reason and evidence by responding on the Grade Appeal form and notifying the parent/guardian and student in writing by mail or email within two (2) school days. The parent may submit a request in writing to the principal within two (2) school days to continue the appeal to the Grade Appeal Committee.
- If the teacher has not responded within two (2) school days of the initial appeal, the principal will forward the Grade Appeal form and evidence to the Grade Appeal Committee. If the teacher did not provide input during the initial appeal, the SIT Chairperson will check “teacher failed to provide input” on the Grade Appeal form. Additionally, if the grade appeal is approved, the SIT Chairperson will check “teacher failed to provide input” in the PS-140 as well. The principal may not participate as part of the Grade Appeal Meeting.
- The SIT Chairperson will convene the grade appeal meeting for grade appeals to weigh the evidence provided by all parties as well as evidence collected during the process of investigation.
- The SIT Chairperson must document a list of participants and their signatures, the decision, and the justification for the decision on the Grade Appeal form. If the grade appeal is approved, the SIT Chairperson must also indicate the approved grade on the Grade Appeal form. The SIT Chairperson must file all submitted evidence and the Grade Appeal form in the student’s cumulative folder at the conclusion of the meeting regardless of the decision.
- The Grade Appeal Committee will render a decision regarding the appeal no later than four (4) school days prior to the close of the grade change window. The SIT Chairperson must notify all parties within four (4) school days of the close of the grading window.
- If the Grade Appeal Committee denies the appeal, the parent/guardian or eligible student may request that the principal continue the appeal to the Instructional Director. This request must be submitted to the principal within three (3) school days of receiving the decision from the Grade Appeal Committee.
- An appeal approved by the Instructional Director will be submitted in the PS-140 and processed through approval steps to processing in the student information system.
- An appeal denied by the Instructional Director must be so done in writing and sent by mail to the teacher, principal, and person initiating the request or appeal. A petition for reconsideration may be submitted by the person initiating the request or appeal within five (5) school days each in writing by email to the Associate Superintendent, then Chief of School Leadership and Support, and finally to the Office of Appeals.
- If the Grade Appeal Committee approves the appeal, the SIT Chairperson will indicate the decision and the justification for the decision on the Grade Appeal form and initiate a grade change request using the PS-140 prior to the closing of the grade change window.
- If approved, the grade and/ or transcript manager must take actions described in Procedures.
- The principal will be responsible for approving or requesting additional information for grade change requests entered in the PS-140 by the SIT Chairperson as a result of an approved grade appeal by the Grade Appeal Committee.
- SIT Chairperson Initiated Grade Changes as the Result of an Appeal
- Grade change requests initiated by the SIT Chairperson shall only occur as a result of the approval outcome of a Grade Appeal Meeting.
- Grade Appeal Meetings will occur at least once a quarter, if the need arises, and will be held no later than four (4) school days prior to the close of the grade change window.
- The principal may not be a participant in the grade appeal meeting.
- Grade changes initiated by the SIT Chairperson must be completed using the PS-140 no later than four (4) school days prior to the close of the identified grade change window. The SIT Chairperson must provide an explanation for the requested change along with uploading evidence from the original appeal and supporting grade change documents to support the grade change.
- Notification from the PS-140 will be sent to the principal to approve or require additional information to support the request for a grade change in the PS-140. The principal must approve or require additional information to support the request for a grade change in the PS-140.
- If approved, the grade and/ or transcript manager must take actions described in Procedures.
- If additional information is required, the principal must indicate their response with a reason in the PS-140.
- If an approved grade appeal needs to be initiated outside of the grade change window, the principal must submit all required documentation to request action by the Instructional Director. The principal must provide in writing an explanation for the requested change, reason for initiating outside of the grade change window, and evidence to support the grade change request.
- Multiple Students Appeals
Appeals for multiple students in the same class require the completion of the Grade Appeal form for each student. If approved, evidence must accompany the PS-140 in each student’s cumulative folder.
- Fourth Quarter, Summer School, and Military Grade Appeals
- Fourth quarter and summer grade appeals must be submitted by the fifth school day of the next (new) school year to the principal at the school where the grade was recorded. In the event of a staff change, the request must be submitted to the current principal of the school the student attended.
- Parents/guardians or eligible student may present the Grade Appeal form and supporting documentation for the previous school year at any time between the first professional duty day for teachers and the fifth school day of the new school year. The school principal or instructional director may initiate an electronic PS-140 per the grade change window calendar.
- All grade appeals will be reviewed at the level of submission described in this procedure after the start of the new school year in order to ensure that all policies and procedures are followed.
- For students in grade 12, the principal will review all grades after the 4th quarter senior grading window is closed. If the principal finds evidence that a 4th quarter grade was submitted that is not aligned with the grade submitted during the progress report period and evidence from monitoring the required number of grades per week does not support the grade submitted by the teacher, the principal may make a request in writing to the Instructional Director to authorize a grade change during the 4th quarter senior grade change window. If approved, the principal must then complete the PS-140 for final approval by the Instructional Director.
- Summer school grade appeals for credit recovery and original credit courses are to be submitted using the Grade Appeal Form by email to the Area 3 office for routing the review of the evidence and processing in tandem with steps that are followed by schools.
- Transfer Student Grade Appeals: The Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission encourages school systems to assist students who transfer as a result of parents' military orders. In circumstances where a student must transfer before final grades are posted and is unable to enroll for the remainder of the school year in a new school, the parent, guardian, or eligible student may submit a Grade Appeal form and include military orders as evidence. The final grade must be calculated using the grades that have been earned to date.
- The International High School follows the grade change process available through the International High School handbook.
- Exceptions to the Use of the PS-140 Electronic Tool
- Grade change record keeping is to be captured by use of the PS-140 electronic tool. In extreme cases where the PS-140 cannot be utilized, the Area Associate Superintendent may submit a memorandum with written justification to the Chief Academic Officer to forgo the PS-140 process and to make grade changes in the student information system.
- The justification must include a list with each student name, student number, school name, school number, and the circumstances to forgo the PS-140 process.
- If approved, the Chief Academic Officer will provide written confirmation, and the Area Associate Superintendent will enlist appropriate staff to complete the action in the student information system and file documentation in each student’s cumulative folder.
- The Chief Academic Officer will provide written notice with the details for the approved student records to the Chief of School Support and Leadership, the Chief Accountability Officer, and the Associate Superintendent of Student Services for use in their reconciliation and auditing duties. This notice will remain on file in each office for five (5) years.
- Reconciliation Process
- Each of the following items must be completed for reconciliation of each grade appeal or grade change request.
- A grade appeal submitted by parents/guardians or eligible students must be initiated through Attachment A. Whether approved or denied, Attachment A must be completed in its entirety and filed in the cumulative folder.
- Approved grade appeals and grade change requests must be initiated in the PS-140 Grade Change Authorization Application with supporting documentation.
- An indication of the response (approved or denied) must be included in the PS-140 documentation.
- A corresponding grade change in the student information system must have been made, if the request is approved.
- All documentation (Attachment A if applicable, PS-140, documents/evidence) must be completed in its entirety, printed and filed in the student’s cumulative folder.
- The Principal must have signed the quarterly attestation document.
VI. Monitoring and Compliance
In an effort to ensure that the grade change request and appeal process is implemented, the following monitoring tools and processes will be utilized annually.
- Training for all school staff with grading responsibilities will be conducted through a SafeSchools module each school year. A record of staff participation will be provided to the area offices.
- All designated staff members (i.e., grade manager, transcript manager, principal, SIT Chairperson, Instructional Director) will participate in an annual systemic training of the grade management and grade change process. Principals will be required to identify their school-based designees including their Grade Appeal Committee to their Instructional Directors and Information Technology no later than September 30th annually.
- Grade managers and transcript managers shall work closely with school staff and principals to reconcile PS-140 and student information system reports quarterly and ensure that all documents have been filed accurately. Principals will sign a quarterly attestation provided by the area office that all grade change processes have been completed.
- Monitoring and Accountability staff will utilize PS-140, student information system and other tools to generate quarterly reports, and forward a report to the Chief Accountability Officer, Chief of School Leadership and Support, Associate Superintendents of Student Services and Special Education, Chief Academic Officer and Internal Audit no later than five (5) school days after the deadline for quarterly grade changes. Reports will include a master report of all PS-140 grade change requests, a reconciliation report of PS-140 data to student information system data for use with cumulative folder audits, trend data, and data summary grade changes.
- Internal Audit will perform a Grade Change Validity Audit annually in accordance with COMAR 13A.03.02.08C. The Grade Change Validity Audit will be performed for each school year and must be completed by September 30. The Chief Accountability Officer will submit a copy of the Grade Change Validity Audit to the Maryland State Superintendent of Schools by October 1. The audit report should include: a.) Scope and Methodology; b.) Summary of Findings and Results; and, c.) Corrective Actions Taken. Audit Documentation must be retained on file and could be subject to audit by the Maryland State Department of Education.
VII. Related Administrative Procedures and Other Resources
VIII. Legal Reference
Maryland Code Ann., Educ. §§ 7-301 and 7-302
COMAR (Code of Maryland Regulations) 13A.03.02.08
IX. Maintenance and Update of This Administrative Procedure
The Division of Academics will be responsible for updating this administrative procedure as needed.
X. Cancellations and Supersedures
This Administrative Procedures cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 5116 dated September 8, 2021.
XI. Effective Date
October 14, 2024