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Board Policy 8261 - Rights and Privileges Granted by Board to Student Member

  1. Policy Statement
    1. The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) is committed to providing every PGCPS student with a premier education characterized by innovative, relevant, and accessible learning and development opportunities that build 21st century competencies. The opportunities and responsibilities to participate in policymaking in the public sector provides the Student Board member with a broad array of relevant educational opportunities and high-quality learning environments that build 21st century competencies. The Student Board Member represents a distinguished learner, leader, voice of social justice, and advocate for humanity for the world of today, tomorrow and beyond.
    2. The Board also recognizes the service rendered by the Student Board Member and acknowledges that Board membership requires time equal to or greater than State requirements for credit. It is then appropriate that the Student Board Member be given an option to receive one unit of social studies credit for serving on the Board. This course shall be given weighted course value.
  2. Purpose
    The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the election and rights and privileges of the Student Board member, and the professional development requirements for the Student Board Member
  3. Definitions
    1. Good Standing –A student is considered to be in good standing when they possess a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school Grade Point Average (GPA) and meet the minimum college placement test score requirements.
    2. Regional Association of Student Government-The county umbrella student government organization for the high school and middle school student government associations.
    3. Term – The length of time the Student Board Member serves on the Board.
    4. Weighted course value - The weighted course value is determined by adding one unit to the grade given.
  4. Standards
    1. Election of the Student Board Member
      1. The Student Board Member shall be an eleventh or twelfth grade student in PGCPS during the student’s term in office.
      2. An eligible student shall file a nomination form at least 3 weeks before a special election meeting of the Prince George’s Regional Association of Student Governments.
      3. Nomination forms shall be made available in the administrative offices of all PGCPS high schools, and the office of the president of the Regional Association of Student Government.
      4. The delegates to the regional association annually shall elect two (2) candidates for the Student Board Member to the board at a primary election meeting held each school year
      5. All secondary students grade 6 through 12 will vote for one of the two candidates at a general election.
      6. For the general election, PGCPS will provide:
        1. Five hundred dollars ($500) campaign funds to the candidates for the Student Board Member: and
        2. Educate all secondary students grades 6 through 12 on the voting process for the general election.
      7. The Student Board member serves a term of one year beginning at the end of a school year.
      8. The Student Board Member may be in office for two terms if the above requirements are met.
    2. Rights and Privileges of the Student Board Member (Policy 8261)
        1. The Student Board Member is vested with advisory rights to provide the Board with direct input concerning the thoughts and feeling of students.
        2. The Student Board Member may vote on all matters before the Board except those relating to:
          1. Collective bargaining decisions;
          2. Teacher and administrator disciplinary matters under 6–202(a) of this article; and
          3. Other personnel matters.
        3. The Student Board Member shall further have the following specific rights:
          1. Full participation in all discussions of the Board convened in regular meetings and/or work sessions;
          2. To offer and/or second main motions or amendments thereto; and
          3. To indicate an expression of being either in the affirmative or the negative on any main motion that has been called to question, upon the vote being tabulated.
        4. On an affirmative vote of a majority of the elected and appointed Board members, the Board may determine if a matter before the Board relates to a subject that the student member may not vote on under section IV. B. 2.
    3. Professional Development and Conferences
      1. In accordance with Policy 8200 - Professional Development of Board Members the Student Board Member shall complete professional development in the required areas annually.
      2. The Student Board Member is encouraged to attend professional development conferences related to their duties and responsibilities as a Board member. Registration fees, travel, and other expenses related to attending the professional conference will be provided if the student Board member provides documentation indicating that the conference will be addressing any of topics required in Policy 8200 - Professional Development for Board members.
      3. Reimbursement for travel and other expenses related to transporting the Student Board member to Board activities and accompanying the student Board member on out-of-town conferences will be provided to the adult chaperone with the appropriate documentation.
      4. The Student Board member shall receive local mileage-based reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle or for the adult transporting the student Board member shall receive local mileage-based reimbursement in accordance with the policies and reimbursement rates established for school system employees, as well as reimbursement for the actual costs of items such as parking, tolls, etc.
    4. College Scholarship
      1. The Board in collaboration with the Superintendent shall allocate five thousand dollars ($5000) college scholarship for the Student Board member,
      2. Student Board member shall be in good standing.
  5. Implementation and Responsibilities
    1. The Superintendent is responsible for ensuring that the election process for the Student Board Member is implemented in accordance with this Bylaw.
  6. References
    1. Legal
      3-1002 & 3-1004 Md. Code Ann., Educ.
    2. Other Board Policies
  7. History
  • Bylaw Adopted 4/18/1979
  • Bylaw Amended 7/9/1987
  • Bylaw Reviewed – no revisions required 9/28/2000
  • Bylaw Amended 5/16/2003
  • Bylaw Reviewed – No Revisions Required 11/15/2004
  • Bylaw Reviewed – No Revisions Required 9/28/2005
  • Bylaw Amended 4/29/2010
  • Bylaw Amended 10/24/2024
