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Board Policy 9310 - Adoption of Policies


Except as provided in Board of Education Policy 9362.1 regarding the Consent Agenda, no motion shall be passed until there has been compliance with the following:

  • The written motion with necessary attachments has been included in the Agenda packet.
  • The written motion has had a First Reading. No item may be added to the agenda for a First Reading unless written copies have been distributed to all Board members, the Superintendent, Attorney, and Board secretaries prior to agenda adoption.
  • The written motion has been brought before the Board for a Second Reading at a subsequent meeting.

The foregoing shall not apply to:

  • Emergency motions as determined by a 2/3 vote of the Board.
  • Motions, although not in the nature of an emergency, nevertheless brought to the Board’s attention by the Superintendent for immediate action, if the Superintendent can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that sound educational management requires such immediate action and the Board determines by a 2/3 vote that immediate action on any such motion warranted.
  • Motions offering Amendments or Substitutions to Motions, which had a First Reading at a previous meeting.
  • If a discussion item results in a Motion, that Motion will be treated as a First Reader unless the Board by a 2/3 vote suspends the rules to allow for a final vote on the Motion. Lacking that, it will be held until the next meeting as a Second Reader.

By a majority vote of the Board, a discussion of a proposed Motion may take place on the First Reading of the Motion to adopt a new Policy.

About This Policy

Updated April 29, 2010
