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Resources to Keep Families and the Community Informed

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is groundbreaking legislation, passed in 2021, that promises a world class education for all students in the state of Maryland. Each school system is charged with developing a plan to implement the requirements of the Blueprint. This 10-year initiative is comprehensive and transformational; thus, it requires a phased approach. 

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) is currently in Phase 1 which includes sharing information about the Blueprint Implementation Plan with families and community members, submitting an implementation plan in the 2022-2023 school year, and then an updated plan in the 2023-2024 school year. Phase II will include Blueprint implementation tasks from the 2027-2028 school year to the 2031-2032 school year. The PGCPS Blueprint Implementation Plans are linked below.  

Stakeholder Engagement
Also linked in this section are two initial resources from the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) that highlight specific updates and initiatives educators and school communities should watch for this year and specific ways they can engage in Blueprint implementation moving forward. 

In the 2022-2023 school year, PGCPS asked all stakeholders to view the requirements of the plan and provide feedback via electronic survey that was posted in English, Spanish, and French.

Survey Results
The survey seeking public comment and feedback was available to all stakeholders from January 26, 2023 to February 19, 2023. Click here to see the results.

Click here to see PGCPS' overview of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future 
It contains a version in English, Spanish, and French.


The Blueprint Law required each local education agency (LEA) to submit the next iteration of their Blueprint Plan during the 2023-2024 school year. The goal for PGCPS was to ensure the plan was developed, clearly articulated, transformative, and representative of the PGCPS community and its needs for 2024-2027.

In the development and implementation of the plan, PGCPS has worked with representatives from colleges, universities, advocacy groups, private childcare providers, PGCPS’ Board of Education, unions, students, staff, and community organizations. The following chart displays each partner group that directly supported the development of the plan. 

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (ACE-AFSCME) Local 2250

Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel (ASASP)

Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection

Latin American Youth Center

Parent and Community Advisory Council

Prince George’s Child Resource Center

Prince George’s Community College

Prince George’s County Educators' Association

The University of Maryland, College Park

During the 2023-2024 school year, the state Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) asked LEAs to develop the Blueprint Implementation Plan for spring 2024 in two parts:

  • Part One is a systemic response to questions that address district initiatives, programs, and plans. Part One was due by March 15, 2024 but is also included in the May 2024 submission.
  • Part Two addresses the five Pillars. Part Two was due by May 1, 2024. 

The full plan includes both parts one and two, and was approved by the AIB on September 4, 2024. It is posted below.

Prince George’s County Public Schools 2024 Blueprint Plan
Prince George's County Public Schools 2024 Blueprint Plan.FRENCH
Prince George's County Public Schools 2024 Blueprint Plan.SPANISH

This will be the second of three Blueprint Implementation Plans that each LEA will have to submit over the next eight years. The final iteration is due spring 2027 and will cover implementation for 2028-2032.

PGCPS Blueprint Implementation Plans
PGCPS is pleased to announce that its Blueprint Implementation Plan was approved by the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) on Thursday, July 27, 2023.
PGCPS.Blueprint Implementation Plan.2023-2024.August 2023
PGCPS.Blueprint Implementation Plan.2023-2024.August 2023.SPANISH

PGCPS Draft Blueprint Implementation Plans
PGCPS’ Draft Blueprint Implementation Plan.Revised March 2023
PGCPS’ Draft Blueprint Implementation Plan March 2023

You may learn more about the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future by going to the Maryland State Department of Education website or the Accountability and Implementation Board website. You may also click the following link to view the Blueprint for Maryland's Future Initial Blueprint Comprehensive Plan; Blueprint Comprehensive Plan SPANISH.

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