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Music Handbook


  1. Students will continue to enjoy making music alone and as a part of a group.
  2. Students will gain performance skills on their instruments.
  3. Students will learn more about a variety of musical styles including classical, jazz, popular, and folk music.
  4. Students will improve their ability to work together as a team.


  • Pencil (Required for Every Instrumental Class)
  • Folder
  • Tuner
  • Metronome
  • Folding Stand - to be kept at home
  • Orchestra Supplies
  • Band Supplies


Practice is Homework – 10%, Formal Playing Tests are Assessment – 30%

Practice is the homework for ensembles and should be treated as such.
I will evaluate your practice through formal and informal playing quizzes. The quizzes will vary in length and point value.
Formal playing tests will use the 25 point playing test rubric. I am always looking for improvement and will grade you based on your progress.


You are required to come to class prepared to learn. This means you must have your instrument, music/book, and a pencil. Be prepared for random checks of these items. Points will be deducted for anyone not fully prepared for class.


Being a member of an ensemble is a team activity and it is important that each member act in a way that benefits the group. We will discuss specific behaviors during class discussion the first weeks of school.


Participation - 60%

Half of this grade (30%) will be based on participation in class. Participation is graded on 10 points per class. If you choose to follow rules and participate appropriately, you will have no problem with this area.

The following are standard tables for points used in class:

How to Earn Class Participation Points Reason/Points Deducted per Incident

  • +7 = Fully Supplied Instrument
  • +3 = Method Book/Music
  • +1 = Pencil (Not a pen)


  • -1 = Not following directions/rules
  • -1 = Talking/Playing (out of turn)
  • -1 = Disrespect (verbal & non-verbal)
  • -1 = Tardy *
  • -2 = No Pencil (pen doesn’t count)
  • -3 = No Book/Music
  • -4 = No Instrument
  • -5 = No Instrument and no book/music

* Students are considered tardy if their instrument is not out, ready to be tuned when the class starts. Special consideration may be given for students with medical circumstances.


Concerts - 30% of Participation

Performances are an essential part of the instrumental music program. They are comparable to final exams in other classes.

Concerts are required. Other optional performance opportunities are also included and will be detailed in future handouts. Please mark these dates on your calendar so that you can avoid scheduling other events on these nights.

Each required concert or festival constitutes half of the class participation grade (30%). If you miss a concert and do not inform me in advance, you will receive a zero and your final grade will go down by at least one letter in that quarter. Prearranged absences will be made up at the discretion of the teacher and will require substantial work on the part of the student to "make up" this opportunity.

Concert Dress

Whether right or wrong, the first impression an audience establishes develops from the professionalism and pride the performing group displays. As such, concert attire is an important aspect of the impression we make for ourselves, our school, and our program. Students will purchase a performance uniform through the class which includes a tux shirt, bow tie and cummerbund. Students are to purchase black pants or slacks as well as dark dress shoes. Absolutely no jeans, leggings, tennis shoes or sneakers are allowed.


Occasionally, we will practice skills that cannot be evaluated through performing in class. When written work or homework is assigned, it will have a predetermined point value that will contribute to the quarterly point total in the class- or home-work category.

Grading Scale

At the end of each quarter, points will be totaled and grades assigned according to the following scale:

A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

E below 60% 

Final Grade = Class Work/Participation: 60%, Homework: 10%, Assessment: 30%