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Principal's Page

Josette Moise, Principal


Dodge Park Principal.jpegGreetings Dodge Park Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! The Dodge Park School Community and I are excited and ready to receive our Resilient Rams for in-person and virtual learning. 

Our diverse and high performing school teams collaborated and planned to ensure that our students continue to thrive in a nurturing, safe, and engaging learning environment where our Rams have the opportunity to be creative, innovative, and inquisitive in a culturally responsive manner. Our goal remains high academic achievement for all students.  We will continue to focus on three SMART Goals: Improve reading fluency and comprehension for all students,  sharpen math reasoning and critical problem solving, and develop ESOL language acquisition and development across content areas. 

This school year we will also focus our attention on closing the educational gap that our students have as a result of the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic and we are committed to the student's socio-emotional development as we build resilient and determined learners.  We will provide intervention and enrichment opportunities during whole or small group learning sessions during or after school.  

We seek your continued partnership as we continue to reach our goals.  We remain intentional about establishing positive systems and structures that are grounded in kindness and supportive practices designed to foster the  overall well being of all of our children. 

With much anticipation,

Josette H. Moise


Motto: We, Inspire, Value, Connect and Equip for Excellence!

Strengths: Belief-Responsibility- Achiever-Competition-Learner