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Challenger Learning Center (CLC)

Challenger Lanham logo.pngThe Challenger Learning Center (CLC) at Owens
The Howard B. Owens Science Center was the second Challenger Learning Center in the nation and the first owned and operated by a school system.  Dedicated on July 17, 1989, it is now the longest continuously operating CLC. Our new CLC upgrade to SIM 3 software allows us to fly the latest missions, including Earth Odyssey, Expedition Mars, and Lunar Quest. Always check which mission is currently running in the Mission Status window at the top of the page before registering. These simulated virtual missions run about two hours and can accommodate between 24-30 children comfortably. The missions are designed mainly for middle school-age students, grades 6-8, with the exception of Expedition Mars, which is also available to high school-aged students.   Prince George’s County Public Schools have priority in scheduling missions; however, private schools and home school groups can also register online. 

During the first and second quarters of SY2024-2025,  all CLC missions will be virtual.

Our current virtual Mission is Destination Mars (Grade 6-12) and Classroom Adventures (Grades 3-5).


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The Mission Begins

Students are assigned stations to work at as they learn the variety of jobs performed during a mission. Crew manifests are available online, and it helps to have students assigned to their jobs prior to arriving at the CLC.  Each mission starts off with a pre-flight briefing of the mission. Next, the students are divided into two groups; half of the students start working in Mission Control, while the other students board the Space Craft.  At the midpoint in the mission, there is a crew exchange, and students switch locations.  Once students complete the mission, the group comes together for a final post-flight briefing.  Pre-visit and Post-visit materials are available for teachers to help with preparation and follow-up to the student’s day at the Challenger Learning Center.

Scheduling a Mission 

To schedule a Challenger Mission, you must fill out the online registration form and submit it to the Science Center. A confirmation will be posted online for you once a date has been established and transportation has been arranged. You may only register for the mission that is currently being run. There is no program cost for Prince George’s County Public Schools.

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