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Welcome Letter


Dear Kenmoor Students and Families, 

Welcome to the 2024 – 2025 school year at Kenmoor Middle School, a school that is Building Strong Collaborative Teams so that we may “Learn, Teach & Lead Like Champions.”  I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer and ready for the upcoming school year as we gear up to open our school doors to 1,100 scholars and welcome in our new 6th graders from surrounding feeder elementary schools. 

Our instructional big rocks this year will continue our work around closing the achievement gap in mathematics and increasing academic achievement for our students with disabilities and  multilingual learners. We will also continue to provide intervention courses to students approaching proficiency in reading and math to reinforce foundational skills where students have skill gaps. In addition, we will have built time in our schedule for a student academic advisory block where our students will have an opportunity to work on mathematical skills and PSAT prep before their 5th mod classes. 

We will continue to keep our lens on Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) by implementing restorative practices to build essential relationships and classroom communities. We will have three Peer Mediators who will facilitate peer mediations and plan monthly PBIS events to reward students for following the schoolwide code of conduct and for exemplary attendance. We have also partnered with external programs to provide mentoring and tutoring services to select students. 

This year, we have expanded our instructional program to include more creative arts classes including; Journalism and a full time cadet program. As we continue our focus on decreasing chronic absenteeism, we need your support as parents to ensure that your child is in attendance daily, and to communicate with teachers and guidance counselors when you have questions or concerns about your child’s instructional or social/emotional progress. Students will also be responsible for seeking support when needed and should follow these tips to ensure their academic success and social/emotional growth: 

  • Attend every class on time 
  • Actively participate in the entire lesson
  • Get involved in school clubs and activities
  • Complete and submit all assignments on time
  • Check virtual platforms (ie; Canvas & SchoolMax) daily
  • Remain organized with materials 
  • Advocate for themselves by asking questions and seeking assistance when from their grade level guidance counselor, administrator or student advocate when needed
  • Follow all school rules and protocols
  • We also ask for your support in ensuring students adhere to the dress code policy which states that students may not wear hoods, hats, or headgear (except for religious purposes) throughout the building and that cell phones are to be off and not visible at all times during the school day.

Communication: You may access ongoing communication from the Kenmoor Website and sign up for community newsletters and Messenger to receive weekly updates. Please contact Myeshia Darden ( for questions and/or assistance around sign up. 

Please see communication information below:

To schedule a team parent/teacher conference please contact the Guidance Secretary, William Branch, @ (301) 925-2300 or your child’s Professional Guidance Counselor. I am looking forward to an amazing year of learning, growth, exploration, and school/community partnership. 


Rebecca Turner 

Principal, Kenmoor Middle School