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August 12, 2024

Greetings to the Families of Lake Arbor Elementary,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! As the incoming principal, I am pleased to return to the Lion’s Den. Across all grades, Lake Arbor ES leadership is already off to a running start in planning an enriching educational experience for the upcoming school year! This year, we will focus on three significant imperatives:

1. School Climate And Culture

2. Accelerating Achievement In Mathematics and, Supporting Students In Disaggregated Groups (Special Education,English Language Learners, Talented and Gifted, etc.).

3. This year’s theme is “Homecoming.”

As this is a professional homecoming for yours truly, I want to also collaborate with the school community to engage in some of the traditions and practices that have grounded our school community in the past and made Lake Arbor a desired academic destination across PGCPS. We will discuss what that looks like as the school year progresses. This year, we say “welcome home” to excited and energized staff members ! Due to our rapid growth and new recipients of both Community School and Title 1 funding, we have also expanded our staff. 


  • Register for the new “Parent Vue” portal to view your student’s information, make changes, and see schedules, transportation, and teacher assignments.
  • Visit our website at to find our student supply list and uniform policy (LAES is a mandatory uniform school.)
  • Print, complete, and sign the LAES Student Emergency Form and PGCPS Publicity Release Form for each of your scholars.
  • Bring them on Open House day (if applicable) or send them to school on the first day.
  • Follow our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Visit the PGCPS 1st Day website for more information about school meals, bus routes, immunizations, and more. Join your scholar’s Class Dojo classes when you receive the invitation.


  • Friday, August 23, 2024, 1:00 pm - 2:00 p.m.
  • LAES Open House/Orientation for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and new students
  • Monday, August 26, 2024, 7:30 am: First Day of School! Doors open at 7:30 a.m. (kiss and ride/stop and drop only - more details to come)
  • Tuesday, September 17th, 6:30 p.m.: Back to School Night (Pre-K - 2nd grade)
  • Thursday, September 19th, 6:30 p.m.: Back to School Night (3rd-5th grade)

We look forward to developing great home-school relationships and partnering with you this school year!

In Service,

LaTanya S. Sothern, M.A.T., N.B.C.T ‘10, ‘20


Breakfast and Lunches During School Day:

All students will eat breakfast and lunch free this year. Each student is assigned a PIN number. Breakfast and lunch menus will be available at the PGCPS Food and Nutrition web page, Applications for the Free and Reduced Meal Program will also be available on the Food and Nutrition web page. Please be sure to complete this form this school year. Your information is confidential and with 100% completion by families, it will ensure that appropriate funding to support our students will be allocated to the school.

All students are expected to comply with Lake Arbor’s Uniform/Dress code Policy.  In an effort to be certain that all students and parents are aware of this policy, it is listed below.  Please review the Uniform Policy with your student(s) to ensure that they too are aware of the school’s expectations. The uniform policy will be strictly enforced during the academic year.

Boys & Girls

  • Navy blue traditional uniform pants (no cargo pockets)
  • Navy blue knee-length shorts, skirt, skort, or jumper
  • White or burgundy polo style or Peter Pan/dress-collared uniform shirt (shirts must be tucked in). 
    • Students in grades Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades (Pre K-2nd) must wear BURGUNDY polo style/Peter Pan collared uniform shirts.   
    • Students in grades Third, Fourth, and Fifth (3rd-5th) must wear WHITE polo style/Peter Pan-collared uniform shirts. 
  • White or navy blue socks, tights, or stockings (one solid color)
  • Any flat closed-toe shoes (NO heels, wedges, Crocs or Heelys)
  • Black or brown belt
  • Navy blue sweater/jacket (free of any logos or insignia; Lake Arbor Spirit Wear jacket is acceptable)
  • Lake Arbor Spirit Wear can be worn on Fridays, in lieu of the uniform

No additional accessories should be worn (ex. ties, suspenders, scarves, vest, etc.). Headdresses may be worn for religious and/or health reasons.
Purses should be no larger than 8 X 11 (hint: measure it against notebook paper).
Jewelry should be worn inside of clothing. Earrings should be about the size of a quarter.
Any item/article of clothing that is a distraction to the learning process or deemed unsafe must be removed.

Violation of Uniform/Dress Code Policy:

  • First Violation: Student’s teacher contacts the parent(s) or guardian(s) and notifies the Principal that a violation has occurred. The student will be given a warning and asked to comply by removing the item or by changing into the proper uniform.  The non-uniform item will go home with the student at the end of the day.
  • Second Violation: Student's teacher contacts the parent(s) or guardian(s) and a conference will be held with the Professional School Counselor, Administrator and/or Administrator Designee.
  • Repeated Violations: Student's participation in classroom and/or school-wide incentives and privileges can be affected or removed as a result of repeated mandatory uniform violations.

*PGCPS assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damage of items by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period.