Student Supply List PGCPS-issued Chromebook and Charger Clear backpack (no mesh…no exceptions) Three-inch, three-ring binder Subject dividers Loose-leaf notebook paper (college ruled) Composition
Student Supply List PGCPS-issued Chromebook and Charger Clear backpack (no mesh…no exceptions) Three-inch, three-ring binder Subject dividers Loose-leaf notebook paper (college ruled) Composition
Simple Absence Reason Notification Form Simple OHHS Senior Corner _blank Simple PGCPS Mental Health Guide Simple Register for Sports Simple Athletics Parent-Student Handbook Simple PGCPS Athletics
2024-2025 Code of Conduct At OHHS, our amazing first week of school for SY2025 concluded with grade level code of conduct assemblies. The purpose of these gatherings was to share policies, procedures
Guidelines and resources related to grades and appeals in Prince George’s County Public Schools are outlined in the following: PGCPS Administrative Procedure 5113 - Student Attendance PGCPS
Oxon Hill High School Uniform Policy OHHS is a uniform school and scholars are expected to follow this policy beginning on the first day of school. Shirts: Solid Black, long or short sleeve with a
Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
SMOB Town Hall and Student Candidates Information