Pre-Kindergarten Accreditation
Pre-Kindergarten Accreditation
Dear Patuxent Families,
PGCPS has been using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as an observational instrument to assess classroom quality in our pre-kindergarten classrooms. Effective teacher-student interactions are a primary component of high-quality early educational experiences. Below you will find our fall evaluation “glows” and “grows.” We look forward to sharing our growth after our spring evaluation.

- Behavior Management - The teachers are consistently proactive and monitor the classroom effectively to prevent problems from developing. The teachers effectively redirect misbehaviors.
- Productivity - The classrooms resemble a 'well-oiled machine'; everybody knows what is expected of them and how to go about doing it. The teachers were fully prepared with lessons and activities, and transitions were quick and efficient.
- Positive Climate - There are frequently positive communications, verbal or physical, among teachers and students. The teacher and students consistently demonstrate respect for one another.

- Concept Development - Intentionally integrate concepts, thereby providing opportunities for children to integrate their learning to previous experiences. Use discussions and activities that encourage analysis and reasoning.
- Quality Feedback - Intentionally scaffold for students to support any misunderstandings of concepts. Prompts students to explain their thinking and rationale for responses and actions.
- Language Modeling - Intentionally map your own actions and the students' actions through language and description. Consistently model advanced language for students. Provide more open ended questions for students to discuss and use advanced language with students
Patuxent ES Self-Appraisal
Patuxent Program Improvement Plan (PIP)