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Fifth Grade Parents - Transition to Middle School

The transition to middle school begins in March.  Students transitioning to middle school are required to update proof of residency.  This will require parents to submit a current lease, deed, or mortgage statement, and two current pieces of mail received within the last 30 days. Junk mail and cell phone bills can not be used. It is important to complete this process early so that student records can be transitioned to their new school in a timely manner.  This process should be completed despite the location of the students’ middle school. Failure to do so will result in your child not being registered for middle school.  This means that registration will need to occur at the middle school over the summer and your child will not receive a schedule for the new year until this process is completed.

Hallway Standards

  1. Walk quiet in the halls.
  2. Students need a pass when in the hall.
  3. Students should leave school at dismissal and remain outside if waiting for a ride.  Should an emergency arise after dismissal, go to the office (through the main door) for assistance.

Health Room

The health room is located in the main office. If a student becomes involved in an accident or becomes ill during school hours, he/she should report to the teacher on duty and then to the health room.  Parents will be notified and, if necessary, are responsible for picking up the student. If your child becomes seriously ill at school, we will contact you immediately.  Children who get ill at school will need to be picked up by parents and taken home. If we cannot reach you immediately, we will use the emergency contact information you have provided.  It is very important to have current working phone numbers, and update them regularly as they may change.  Please remember we cannot keep seriously ill children at school.  Children must be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours without assistance of medication before they can return to school.   If you know your child is sick, please do not send them to school.

Please have your child’s immunizations up to date prior to the beginning of the new school.  Your child’s physician should complete a “Health Inventory” form so that the nurse can identify any medical condition, should there be any. 

Internet Use

You will have the ability to use the World Wide Web at Flintstone Elementary School. You are not to visit any inappropriate websites.  If one comes up on your computer please let your teacher know immediately. Failure to properly utilize technology/internet may result in the student losing this privilege.

Mandatory Drills

To ensure the safety and security of staff and students, the Flintstone community will participate in various drills throughout the school year.  The purpose of these drills is to ensure that in the event of a real emergency, staff and students will know what to do.  The following drills are mandated from Prince George’s County Public School System. 

  • Fire Drill
  • Earthquake
  • Reverse Evacuation Drill
  • Tornado Drill
  • Code Red Drill (Issue is near the grounds, but not in the school)
  • Code Blue Drill (Issue is in the school)

If your child rides a bus, then they will also be participating in the following mandated drills:

  • Evacuation Drill
  • Reverse Evacuation Drill

Playground Standards

    1. Games will be played on the section of the playground designated for that activity.
    2. Students must have permission from their teacher to leave the playground.
    3. Physical contact sports and group chasing games are not permitted.


Portable Electronic Devices/PED

Approved Uses of PEDs in Schools:

  1. Students are encouraged to use PEDs for instructional purposes only with school administrator approval. 
  2. Students are permitted to use PEDs while riding to and from school on PGCPS buses, as long as it does not impact the safe operation of the school bus. 
  3. The school principal or designee may allow additional times for students to use PEDs at school in approved designated areas. 

Prohibited Uses of PEDs in Schools: 

Students are prohibited from using PEDs in the following manner on school property: 

  1. Using PEDs in locker rooms or bathrooms at any time. 
  2. Using PEDs while getting on or off the school bus. 
  3. “Sexting” or the taking and/or transmission of nude or sexually explicit photos or videos in school. 
  4. The unauthorized or unlawful sharing or electronic posting of images taken or stored on PEDs during school hours and/or on school property. 
  5. Taking, uploading or sharing photos, recording audio, or capturing video during the school day in a manner. 
  6. Using PEDs in any manner that reflects violations in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
  7. At times when PED use is not permitted, PEDs must be turned off or on silent mode and stored in a back-pack.
  8. Administrators, faculty, and staff may request at any time that students turn off and put away PEDs. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and possible confiscation by the school principal. School administrators are required to consult with parents/guardians regarding a student’s misuse of a PED and appropriate responses in accordance with the Student Right and Responsibilities Handbook.

Technology Devices

According to PGCPS, the only devices that students should utilize throughout the entire instructional day are devices that have been issued by Prince George’s County Public Schools. It is important to remember that these devices are on loan to families for the duration of the students time in PGCPS.  Should there be an issue with the devices, there will be a fee applied.  This fee will need do be paid prior to receiving a new device. See the agreements below.  

English Student Agreement

Spanish Student Agreement


All basic textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year. You will be required to pay for lost or damaged books.

Transportation and Safety

Prince George’s County Public School operates a free bus service for eligible students.  This is a privilege, not a right. A student’s bus privilege may be taken away if he/she does not follow the rules for bus riders.  Students are expected to ride their assigned bus and will not be permitted to ride a different bus without a written request from a parent and prior approval from the office. For a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school, you will be reminded frequently about the rules for good behavior on the bus.

Make sure you follow these rules:

  1. Remain seated until the bus stops.
  2. Keep the aisles clear.
  3. Use quiet voices.
  4. Follow the directions of the bus driver.
  5. Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner.
  6. Form a first-come first served line in your community while waiting for the bus.

Transported students are given a bus assignment and are to ride that bus and that bus only to and from school. Riding a bus is a privilege and good behavior is required in order to maintain a safe environment on each bus.  The school supports the driver in maintaining safe bus riding habits.  Anyone who violates the safety standards will be suspended from the bus and parents will then be responsible for providing the child’s transportation. Board Policy # 5131