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Policy and Governance Committee

gavel on table

Committee Charge

The Policy & Governance Committee is charged with facilitating short and long-range strategic planning for the school system, providing oversight of Board policy, legislative and government matters involving federal, state, county and municipal governmental agencies and officials. The committee shall ensure that Board governing policies are current, and compliant with federal, state and county laws and consistent with best practices in public education. In December of each year, the committee shall develop the legislative agenda for the year for the Board to consider. The committee shall also review proposed federal, state and county proposed legislation and recommend positions to the Board of Education. The committee shall monitor the development of Board policies and associated administrative procedures to ensure effective implementation of approved legislation. By majority vote, the Board of Education may require the committee to submit policy proposals for its consideration. The chair of the Policy and Governance standing committee, or their designee, shall serve as the Board’s liaison to the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE) Legislative Affairs and Federal Relations committees. The Board Executive Director shall attend all Policy and Governance meetings to provide necessary input regarding governance, policies, procedures and legislation.

Committee Membership

  • Dr. Phelton C. Moss, Chair
  • Jonathan Briggs, Vice Chair
  • Lolita E. Walker, Committee Member
  • Pamela Boozer-Strother, Committee Member