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Get Involved! PGCPS Student Member of the Board of Education

Watch: PGCPS Students Rights to Vote

What is the Student Member of the Board of Education (SMOB)?

The Student Member plays a crucial role in the Prince George’s County Board of Education by providing an informed student perspective. They represent all students, ensuring diversity of viewpoints is respected. The Student Member, an official Board Member, has partial voting rights, voting on all issues except budgets and personnel matters.

Our Candidates - Jamal J. Jongo | O'Marie Barnes

Who Can Vote for the SMOB?

Beginning school year 2023-24, all students in grades 6-12 can vote for the next SMOB!  The upcoming election for the SMOB will include not only secondary schools but elementary schools that have a 6th grade. 

Voting will take place Monday, April 29 from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Students will access their PGCPS email on a device of their choosing, view a picture of the candidate, read their bio and platform, and then cast their vote. Voting is not mandatory. 

About the Candidates

Jamal J. Jongo, Frederick Douglass High School


Letter from Jamal

Shikamoo! (Hello) 

I'm Jamal J. Jongo, a rising senior at Frederick Douglass High School, where I serve as the 2023-24 S.G.A. Vice President, Publications Coordinator for the S.M.O.B. Advisory Council, and High School Advocate for P.G.R.A.S.G. A passion for service and community fuels my journey and creates pathways for success. 

Beyond the classroom, you'll find me on the soccer field or lacrosse pitch, where I've learned the value of teamwork and personal growth. Looking ahead, I envision a future as a Governor or a computer analyst in the tech industry. Central to my mission is my platform, U.N.I.T.E.D., which stands for Understanding Needs, Inspiring Togetherness, and Eliminating Discord. These pillars drive my commitment to fostering inclusivity, collaboration, and academic support within our school community. Understanding Needs is about listening to the voices of students, parents, and educators.

Through surveys, forums, and open communication channels, I strive to create a transparent and responsive environment where concerns are heard and solutions are implemented. Inspiring Togetherness is my call to cultivate unity and collaboration. From organizing events to promoting cultural excellence, I aim to unite our diverse community and celebrate our strengths and talents. Eliminating Discord is my proactive approach to addressing challenges. 

From promoting virtual tutoring to advocating for curriculum alignment, I'm dedicated to ensuring every student has the resources and support they need to thrive. Roy T. Bennett once said, "It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform." This quote fuels my journey of resilience and meaningful impact as I work to amplify student voices and drive positive change as a potential Student Member of the Board. 

As a potential Student Member of the Board, I'm committed to serving as a servant leader, amplifying the voices of our student body, and championing positive change. Together, let's build a brighter future for PGCPS.

Asanté! (Thank You)

Jamal’s Platform

Understanding Needs

As a candidate for the 44th Student Member of the Board, I stand on a platform dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, supportive, and thriving school community. Central to my mission is the platform U.N.I.T.E.D., which embodies the values of Understanding Needs, Inspiring Togetherness, and Eliminating Discord. Understanding Needs is about listening to the voices of students, parents, and educators. Through surveys, forums, and open communication channels, I aim to create a transparent and responsive environment where concerns are heard and solutions are implemented.

Inspiring Togetherness

Inspiring Togetherness is my call to cultivate unity and collaboration. From organizing events to promoting cultural excellence, I aim to unite our diverse community and celebrate our strengths and talents.

Eliminating Discord

Eliminating Discord is my proactive approach to addressing challenges. From promoting virtual tutoring to advocating for curriculum alignment, I'm dedicated to ensuring every student has the resources and support they need to thrive.

PALMS Initiative

So, what is P.A.L.M.S., and how does this help PGCPS? P.A.L.M.S. stands for Positive Action and Learning for Mental Wellness and Success. If elected as your 44th Student Member of the Board, PALMS will be my plan and foundation for Advocacy. PALMS will dedicate 100% of its support to better alternatives for GPA Recovery if your grades have been affected by any circumstances. PALMS will address staff and students' mental health crises by continuing to advocate for mental health days. Additionally, PALMS will introduce professional mental health clinicians to help create a safe space for students so they can have assistance before, during, and after any situations that strain their mental health. I've seen firsthand how mental health clinicians have improved students' mental health, which in turn improved their personal and academic lives. PALMS will also advocate for under-budgeted school athletics, under-budgeted clubs, and underpaid staff. We WILL show how much the student voice can benefit from our advocacy.

When we rely on ourselves to better our country, we will see results. I can promise you that. PALMS connects seamlessly with the U.N.I.T.E.D. platform by addressing students' diverse needs, promoting inclusivity and support, and eliminating discord by advocating for necessary resources and mental health support within our school community. Together, through the U.N.I.T.E.D. platform and the PALMS initiative, we can build a brighter future for all students in PGCPS.

O'Marie Barnes, Crossland High School


O’Marie’s Bio

O'Marie Barnes is a community leader, advocate, and nonprofit leader with a passion for Law and Politics. He's the proud founder of the Community Organization Barnes and Scott Youth Law Camp, and participates in multiple youth-led initiatives and programs to connect the levers of government with his peers. 

He serves on Congressman Glenn Ivey's Safe Streets and Youth Advisory Board's and as a student advocate to the Maryland Center of School Safety. O'Marie is proud to be deeply involved in student government himself, serving on the Executive Board of Prince George's Regional Association of Student Governments and on current Student Board Member Rayne Rivera Forbes advisory council. 

He is currently a finalist for the position of Student Member on the Prince George's County Board of Education. O'Marie is proud to play an active role in his community and take part in an informative election to positively impact the youth in our community. Similarly to many, O'Marie is a proud product of many friends and mentors throughout his journey.

O’Marie’s Platform

S - School Safety Deficits/Working with the Board to research solutions for the lack of security personnel in schools with high Student populations.

M - Middle/Elementary School Advisory Group - Implementing a Middle/Elementary aspect for primary and secondary school students to advise and share perspectives with the Student Board Member/amplifying Middle and Elementary school leaders.

I - Inclusivity with Mental Health - Advocate for peer-to-peer mentoring and other programs to destigmatize the mental health conversation.

L - Locating Intramural Extracurriculars and Sports for both MS and HS - Encouraging the opening up of extracurricular resources and sports for recreational purposes and enjoyment in Middle and High school, in contrast to exclusively competitive purposes.

E - Evaluate Contracts for School Mental Health Staff - Working with the Board to carefully evaluate contracts for school therapists and advocating for the consideration of pay for their overtime work.