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Lisa Howell, Chief Financial Officer

PD-Lisa-Howell.jpgLisa Howell is currently serving as the  Chief Financial Officer for Prince George’s County Public Schools. In this role, she oversees the following areas:  Budget & Management Services, Benefits Services, Payroll Services, Risk Management & Worker's Compensation and Financial Services (Accounting & Financial Reporting, Accounts Payable, Grants Management, Medicaid Office and Treasury).  Prior to joining Prince George's County Public Schools in 2020 as the Director of Budget & Management Services, she served as the Budget Officer at the University of the District of Columbia.  Ms. Howell has more than 30 years experience in financial planning, corporate accounting and finance, auditing, human resources and operations management, primarily in the private sector.  

Contact Information

Lisa Howell
Chief Financial Officer

Business Management Services
Sasscer Administration Building
14201 School Lane
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
(301) 952 - 6091

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