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Principal's Page

With Strength Success is Possible!

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Dr. Hope C. Terry

Greetings Cougar Family,

I am so delighted to continue the journey of learning and growing with our Cougar family.  A trait of the cougar is STRENGTH. It is with our Cougar Strength we will achieve academic excellence. This journey will require relentless dedication to our purpose, commitment to ourselves, and taking on the charge of excelling in a demanding world. 

Cougars are also LEADERS. Our leadership as Cougars will prevail through our hard work and meaningful focus on being our greatest selves. As LEADERS, we will focus on supporting one another, being a force of positive influence, building a community of trust and respect, and knowing our strengths and growth areas so we can educate our whole selves. 

I charge myself to connect our entire Cougar Community to create a partnership of STRENGTH, TRUST, RESPECT, and DEDICATION to educating and empowering our school community.

Yours in Education,

Dr. Terry

With Strength, Dedication, and Commitment All Things Are Possible!