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Uniform Requirements

  • White or Navy blue polo (short or long sleeve) 
  • Navy blue pants, shorts, skirts or jumpers
  • Black belts
  • Black or White shoes
  • White or navy blue socks
  • Navy blue or white cardigan

Marlton will take orders in the fall and spring for the Marlton school navy blue t-shirt. These shirts may be worn on Fridays (school spirit day) ONLY instead of the white polo shirt. 

  • Shirt must be tucked in
  • Marlton Spirit wear can only be worn on Fridays
  • Black boots are permitted during winter months
  • Parents are encouraged to label all outerwear (sweaters, sweatshirts, coats, hats, etc.) with their child’s name. This procedure ensures the return of lost items.

Non-Compliance with Uniform Policy

  • First Violation - Scholar's teacher completes the uniform violation form to be sent home to the parents as an "official" notification. Parents are to sign and return to school the following school day.
  • Second Violation - Scholar's teacher completes the 2nd uniform violation form and sends the student to the office. Parents are to sign and return to school the following school day. The Administration will contact the parents/guardians by phone and in writing that a 2nd violation has occurred.
  • Third Violation -For the third, or repeated violations, parents/guardians will be contacted by the Principal.

Repeated violations will be deemed as persistent disobedience or insubordination and will be dealt with in accordance with the Students Rights and Responsibilities Code. We need to maximize our time on instruction; therefore, it is imperative that we encourage our scholars to adhere to the uniform policy at all times

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