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Arrival & Dismissal Procedure


Student Arrival

Students may enter the building at 9:15 a.m.  Students are to line up by grade level under the overhang in front of the main entrance.  Pre K – 3rd grade enter doors on the left, 4th and 5th graders enter the doors on the right.

Student Dismissal

Dismissal begins at 3:40.  Students are dismissed in the following order: 

  1. Patrols are dismissed to their posts
  2. Pre K and K teachers, along with their assigned dismissal assistant, escort car riders to the cafeteria to wait for their car rider number to be called.  Walkers will be supervised near the flagpole to wait for parents to pick them up.
  3. All walkers will then be dismissed and escorted by duty staff up the hallways to the front doors.  Walkers exit the building.  
  4. After care students board their transportation in the staff parking lot where their aftercare providers are waiting.
  5. Pre K and Kinder (who must wear a vest) and 1st, grade bus riders are dismissed and escorted to their buses by their teacher.
  6. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade bus riders are dismissed and escorted to their buses by their teacher.
  • Students who are not picked up by the end of dismissal are escorted to the office where office and duty staff call parents and/or emergency contacts.
  • If a bus is running late, students will be lined up in front of the school under the overhang, weather permitting, or they will wait inside the lobby or cafeteria supervised by staff and/or administration.
  • If a change in dismissal is requested it must be received in writing (note, email, fax) to the main office or classsroom teacher in the morning.  We cannot accept last minute requests for the safety of students.

Early Dismissal

If the occasion arises for an early dismissal, parents/guardians must come to the main office and sign their child out.  Children will only be released to an adult listed on the emergency form signed by the parent and a picture ID will be required.  Once the ID has been verified and the child is properly signed out, one of the secretaries will call the classroom and have the student released.  A student will not be released from the classroom until the parent or authorized adult arrives at the school; therefore, extra time should be allowed. 

In order to have a safe and orderly dismissal, we will not be able to honor early dismissals after 2:30 each day.

Before School Clubs/Activities/Sports

Students participating in any of our before school clubs or activities should arrive at the time designated by the sponsoring staff member and wait in the lobby until the sponsor escorts the group to their location.

Car Riders

A car rider is a student who is dropped off in the car loop each morning and/or is picked up from the car loop in a car every day. The safety of our students during arrival and dismissal is of utmost importance. In an effort to maintain a safe arrival and dismissal. If your child will arrive at school by car and/or go home in a car every day, please review the procedures below.

Morning Drop Off

  • Cars are to pull to the end of the car rider lane.
  • Do not stop in crosswalk and do not pull around cars.
  • A staff member will be directing traffic so follow their directions.
  • Students may exit cars, top lane. Staff will guide them across to the steps.
  • Students may enter the building through the front door beginning at 9:15 AM.
  • Drivers are to remain in their cars. No drivers are to get out of their cars.

Afternoon Pick Up

  • Students that go home in a car every day are considered “car riders.” The car rider lane is established for all parents/guardians that will pick up children in a car every day from school.
  • Parents/Guardians must complete one Car Rider Form (attached) per family; this form identifies the individuals with permission to pick up the child(ren) from the car loop at dismissal. Once the Car Rider Form is received, a numbered Montpellier Car Rider Tag will be issued to the family.
  • Each driver must display the Montpelier Car Rider Tag in the front right of their windshield.
  • Car riders will line up in order in the car lane - blocked off by cones and separated by rope.
  • In the car lane, drivers stay in their cars.
  • Drivers pull to the far end of the car lane where staff will escort your child to your car to load.
  • In the event that the Montpelier Car Rider Tag is not displayed, the driver will need to return when the lane has the majority of students loaded so we can verify with the front office who is picking up the student.

Tags available for pick up. We will call out when ready.