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Parent & Student Handbook

  • Handbook Introduction
  • Our Vision, Mission and Pledge
  • Principal's Welcome Letter
  • Welcome Checklist
  • Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
  • Arrival Map
  • Dismissal Map
  • Attendance Matters
  • Student Rights & Responsibilities
  • General Guidelines
  • After-School & Enrichment Programs
  • Books & Other Materials
  • School Meals
  • Recess & Library Media Services
  • Birthdays & Celebrations
  • Bullying & Conflict Resolution
  • Professional School Counselor
  • Community School Overview
  • Parent Volunteers
  • Welcome Checklist


tiger mascot with graduation cap on

Student and Parent Handbook

Welcome to Thomas S. Stone Elementary School where we are "Building Academic Excellence and Strong Character with TIGER P.R.I.D.E."


vision and mission on compass

Our Vision

Thomas S. Stone Elementary prepares students from diverse backgrounds to succeed in college and career by empowering them to build a strong character, achieve excellence, think critically and creatively, and interact sensibly and responsibly with the world around them.

Our Mission

We fulfill our vision through the implementation of a rigorous instructional and character development program  based  on  high  expectations, academic achievement, collaboration, and integrity. We are committed and accountable for providing opportunities to our faculty, staff, students, and community that result in increased student achievement.

hand up pledge and heart icon

School Pledge

Excellence, Discipline, and Attitude too. They bring out the best in me and you. Respect, Integrity and doing our best will prepare us for college and show others that we care. I believe in myself and I know what is right; today I will achieve and show school Pride!


Dear Thomas Stone Family,

Welcome to Thomas Stone Elementary School!

Thomas Stone and Prince George’s County will focus on three system initiatives: school climate and culture, accelerating achievement in Mathematics, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health. To support these initiatives, we will continue to provide virtual and in-person to support these initiatives, we will continue to provide virtual and in-person after- school activities, parent workshops, and other activities for our community to help us remain a proudly diverse community of learners serving the communities of Mt. Rainier, Brentwood, and N. Brentwood.

Last school year, the Superintendent announced systemic changes to school start and end times. Our NEW School hours are from 7:30 to 1:40 PM. The doors will open for breakfast at 7:15. All parents are welcome to bring their children to school each morning and accompany them to class. However, all visitors entering the building must bring a valid photo ID to receive a visitor's pass.

School safety is a priority. To maintain a safe and orderly environment, we have arrival and dismissal procedures for the parking lot. Cars will only be allowed to enter through the third gate, and buses will enter through the second gate. There will also be designated walking areas for students and families.

checklist boxes

Welcome Checklist

Class Dojo Connected?

Make sure you to connect with us on Class Dojo to stay up to date on school announcements, class announcements, events, parent meetings, and give-a-ways. Also, you can message your student's teacher directly. We post all sign- ups for programs, food distributions and much more!

ClassDojo logo

Applied for Free and Reduced Lunch?

Remember to apply for free and reduced lunch it is recommended to apply even if you plan on packing your student's lunch. Remember all must apply every school year!


Need to come in the office? Bring ID

Remember to bring a photo identification if you plan to come in to the office. All adults are checked for Identification to enter the building.

identification card illustration

Want to volunteer or be a chaperone?

We would love to have you! Call us at 301-985-1890 or speak to someone in the main office and we can help you through the process!

people raising hand icon

adult walking child up steps in front of building

Arrival and Student Dismissal Procedures

An orderly arrival and dismissal of students helps us create a positive tone for a wholesome school; therefore, it is extremely important for us to maintain order and be consistent.

Arrival Time - 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM

All students are to enter the building through the cafeteria to pick up their breakfast before reporting to class. The students will have approximately 15 minutes to eat breakfast, listen to the morning announcements, and get ready for instruction. All students arriving at school after morning announcements must report to the main office to receive a tardy pass.

Departure Time - 1:55 PM

The goal is for all students to be dismissed from the school by 2:15 pm each and every day!

All students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m..

  • Pre-K - outside through the front lobby for pick-up.
  • Kindergarten - exit through the double glass doors within fence area.
  • Grade 1 - through the door by the front temps
  • Grade 2 - dismissed by the left side field near Pre-K Playground
  • Grade 3, 4 and 5 will be dismissed to the black top.
  • Siblings report to their younger siblings dismissal location upon regular dismissal. They will NOT be called earlier.

safety first talk bubbles

Safety Patrols

We are very proud of our safety patrols and we are fortunate to have a well-organized, efficient, and dependable Patrol Program. Staff sponsors select the patrols based on willingness to respect authority, reliability, academic performance, and serving as role models for peers. Please encourage your children to obey and respect the patrols as they help to promote safety in our school community.

Arrival Map for 7:15 AM

Thomas Stone Elementary arrival map

Map Legend

blue arrow Blue arrows - cars
red arrow Red arrows - pedestrians
yellow arrow Yellow arrows - buses
orange arrow Orange arrows - drop off walkers
orange circle Orange circles - drop off spaces
blue rectangle Blue rectangles - parking spaces available for parents to park and accompany their students


Dismissal Map for 1:40 PM

Thomas Stone Elementary dismissal map

Map Legend

blue arrow Blue arrows - cars
red arrow Red arrows - pedestrians
yellow arrow Yellow arrows - buses
blue rectangle Blue rectangles - parking spaces available for parents to pick up students

group of people and one hand raised icon

Attendance Matters


If a student is absent from school, a written excuse or doctor’s note MUST be submitted for each absence in order to be excused. If no excuse is received by the school, the absence will be marked unexcused. Parents can submit excuses online or in person.

A doctor’s note must be submitted if the student was absent for more than six days. The following are considered lawful absences (must bring documented proof):

  • death of an immediate family member
  • illness of the student;
  • physical or mental incapacity
  • court summons
  • observance of religious holidays
  • violent storms/weather
  • disciplinary suspension state of emergency
  • school approved work, activity or action

Picking Up Students Early

Any student needing to be excused early for doctor, dental appointment, etc. should provide a note on the morning of the appointment, which should be sent to the main office. Parents must go to the office to sign out students, who will then be called for dismissal.

Parents/Guardians must receive permission and show proper identification prior to picking up a student early from class.


Students must have a pass or tardy slip in order to enter their classroom after 7:45 AM.

All tardy students’ time of arrival will be recorded in

the main office on Student tardy form.

Chronically Absent

A student is chronically absent if the student has been absent 10% or more of the school days enrolled at that school.

The teacher is to contact the parent/guardian and record on the parent log every time the continuous absences occur. If the classroom teacher believes the problem is chronic, next steps will be discussed. The Guidance Counselor and Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) will monitor the student’s attendance and send an attendance letter to the parents. They may also invite the parent for a conference. Further action will be taken for students/parents who continue to be out of compliance.

Habitually Truant

A student is habitually truant if the student has been enrolled in a school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from school for a number of days or portion of days equal to or in excess of 20% of the school days within any marking period, semester, or year. There may be legal consequences when a student is habitually truant.

Bringing Attendance Home Parent Video


Attendance Everyday in Spanish

elementary student with backpack on smiling

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights

Prince George’s County Public Schools does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex, age, national origin, religion, or handicapping conditions.

Thomas Stone Elementary School respects the rights of students and will ensure that all students will be treated equally and fairly. Some of the student rights in the PGCPS Code of Student Conduct include:

  • An education in a safe learning environment
  • Freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion
  • Due process of academic, attendance, and disciplinary measures

Student Responsibilities

Along with rights come responsibilities. Each student is expected to:

  • Help create and maintain a safe and orderly school conducive to learning. Thomas Stone Elementary has a zero-tolerance for fighting of any kind regardless of who is the aggressor.
  • Know and obey all school rules and regulations.
  • Come to school each day on time and ready to learn.
  • Work to achieve potential in all activities.
  • Obey all instructions from all school employees in a positive manner.
  • Ask questions to ensure understanding.
  • Dress according to the school dress code.
  • Accept responsibility for actions.


students on a bus smiling and waving

General School Guidelines

If all students understand and follow these guidelines, we can make Thomas Stone Elementary School a safe and pleasant place to be if everyone respects the rights of others.

  • Everyone should show respect for all people at school. This respect can be demonstrated by the way we act towards others, and by the way we speak.
  • Everyone should show respect for school property: books, furniture, and lavatories. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Such acts may result in suspension and/or monetary cost for repairs.
  • Accept responsibility to come to school prepared with books, homework, lunch money, instruments, etc.
  • Come to school on time and be ready to work. Accept responsibility, and do one’s work to the best of one’s ability when it is assigned.
  • Cooperation should be shown as we work together in small or large groups; taking turns is important.
  • Our school is a calm building - we work calmly in class and do not disturb others; we come into school calmly in the morning and leave calmly in the afternoon
  • We use proper language and good manners - foul language is unacceptable.
  • Only appropriate items for instruction should be brought to school. No toy weapons of any kind are acceptable.
  • Found items do not become the finder’s property, but should be turned in to the teacher.
  • Fighting is not permitted at Thomas Stone Elementary School under any circumstances. If it occurs, a phone call will be made to parents. A fight may result in suspension of at least one day from school. Disagreements can be settled without fighting. We must teach our children to handle disagreements with our minds, not our fists. Fighting is a suspendable offense regardless who starts the fight!

group of sports equipment

After-School & Enrichment Programs

Throughout the school year, we provide a variety of after-school programs and extended learning opportunities for all grades. Prior program registration is required and will be shared via Dojo and/or sent home in student’s backpacks. Students are placed in programs on a first-come, first- served basis. Each program has its limit on the number of students and all registrations after that limit is reached will be placed on a wait list. Please remember that these registration forms are a commitment that your student will attend the program regularly, and we will monitor attendance for these programs.

adult helping elementary student in computer lab

If your student is unable to attend the after-school program or must drop out, please notify the program coordinator so we can try to fill the spot in a timely manner.

attendance written out and circled

Program Attendance

Attendance will be taken into consideration when registering for after-school programs, and if there is an attendance concern, we will notify you and may ask for an attendance contract to be signed, or you may be put on a wait list. If we notice a pattern of absences in previous after-school opportunities, you may also be contacted for an attendance contract. Due to the limited spots available, we want to ensure that the programs are benefiting as many students as we can, and that is possible with consistent attendance.

books with colorful covers

Books & Other School Materials

Board of Education Policy 6161 states that pupils must return textbooks and/or other educational materials as were originally assigned to appropriate school personnel in a satisfactory condition, or reimburse the school for lost or damaged textbooks and/or other education materials, or make other satisfactory arrangements with the principal concerning the textbooks and/or other education materials.

hand typing on computer keyboard

school lunch trays with food on them

School Meals


Students have a choice to bring a lunch or purchase a lunch at school for $2.60, including milk. Children who bring lunch from home may purchase a carton of milk or juice during the lunch period. The student lunch price is $2.75 and reduced student breakfast price is $1.60.

Free and reduced lunch applications will be mailed directly home or can be completed online. Additional forms may be requested from the front office. Parents who believe their child(ren) qualify for the free or reduced lunch program should return the applications as soon as possible. Once verified, the reduced, breakfast and lunch are FREE.

Apply for Free and Reduced Priced Meals

How to Pay for Lunch

Thomas Stone Elementary uses a computerized meal program. All enrolled students are issued a PIN# and a corresponding meal account. It is important that each student memorize his/her PIN#. This number is confidential; therefore the number must not be given to other students.

Money can be deposited in a student’s account at any time in any amount up to $99.99 Parents are encouraged to maintain money in their child’s account. This ensures that each student account has sufficient money in case a lunch is forgotten or misplaced. Students may bring money to school to add to their account. However, we strongly encourage parents to take advantage of the online system, My School Bucks.

My School Bucks logo

Lost or Forgotten Lunch

No child will have to go without lunch. If a child has not brought a lunch from home and does not have sufficient money in his or her account to cover the cost of lunch, that child will be served a cheese sandwich at no cost. This is PGCPS policy. Please notify the office if your child is allergic to cheese/milk.


Other School Items

elementary students on playground equipment


The Recess period is a regular part of the school program for grades kindergarten through five. It consists of a daily, supervised, period of free play on the playground. All children are expected to participate in recess unless they have a medical problem which prevents them from doing so.

If a medical condition exists, it should be substantiated by a doctor’s certificate, which should be sent to the teacher. If a teacher does not receive such a note, the student will participate in the recess program.

During inclement weather, recess is held in the classrooms.

boy looking at books on library shelf

Library Media Services

The mission of the media center is to ensure that all students and staff acquire the informational literacy skills necessary to become life-long learners. The Media Center has a wide collection of books, videos, and CD-ROMs that correlate with and enhance the curriculum. Students are encouraged to visit the library on a regular basis in addition to their scheduled class times (by teacher permission, only). Parents are asked to remind their children about book care and the responsibility to return all books on time. Prince George’s County School Policy states that students must return all books and materials or pay for them before the end of the school year.

colorful party banner

Birthdays & Celebrations

Birthday parties are not allowed.

Parents should notify teachers 48 hours in advance if providing their child with a treat or gift bag for the class. Teachers agreeing to a birthday treat will give up their lunch to supervise distribution.

Only store-bought and sealed treats can be enjoyed during the lunch period of the student. Gift bags must be approved by the office in advance.

PGCPS Safe Stop Bullying

Bullying & Conflict Resolution

Based on national, state, and local interest, all students at Thomas Stone Elementary School will be educated on bullying and conflict resolution. Through classroom counseling lessons and classroom discussions, they will learn the definition of bullying and various strategies needed to deal with conflict at school. If a student has a problem with a conflict at school, they will be able to utilize peer mediation or small group counseling with the School Counselor. At certain times, conflict becomes a disciplinary matter. When this happens, the Assistant Principal or Principal will investigate the situation and render disciplinary action on a case-by-case basis. This comprehensive program will ensure students learn the life skills needed to solve problems with peers while understanding that adults will be available to intervene when needed.

PGCPS Professional School Counselor crest logo

Professional School Counseling Services

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Professional School Counseling Services follow the model recommended by the American School Counseling Association to deliver comprehensive school counseling services to address the academic, career, personal/social development for all students. Our counseling program is structured to be an integral part of students’ daily educational environment.

Ms. Miller, Professional School Counselor

wellness inside and out graphic

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social-Emotional Lessons will be given to the entire school. Your child will focuses on the soft skills that students acquire as they learn to interact with one another in appropriate and respectful ways. Through SEL, students will learn how to build strong, positive relationships with others by showing empathy, making responsible decisions, and being emotionally aware.

books on table with graduation cap and diploma


As the school counselor I can work with students facing mental health issues, family and social problems as well as career exploration and course planning to make school successful.

Community School Overview

Community School Services

Ms. Valencia - Community School Coordinator

Thomas Stone is a Community School. The Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Community Schools initiative aims to provide equitable access to integrated support and wrap- around services that promote academic, economic and social empowerment for schools and their communities. We are currently funded by the Kirwan Grant in which we are providing after-school programs, parent workshops, staff professional development, mental health services, community events, school-wide food and produce distributions, as well as referrals for social services and/or other resources.

In order to receive assistance please reach out to the Community School Coordinator to fill out referral form.

Mental Health Services

Ms. Sloan-Forbes - School Based Mental Health Provider

As a collaborating partner with the Prince George’s County School System, your assigned school-based Maryland licensed clinician will work to enhance free accessibility of services for all to include individual and family sessions and to work with the Community School Coordinator and School Counselor to provide wrap around services to support the student, family and improve the positive wellness of the school community.  

group of parents with one parent raising her hand

Parent Volunteers

Students feel a sense of pride when they see their parents and other familiar adults helping in their school!

Parent volunteers are eagerly sought at Thomas Stone Elementary School We can use support in any capacity you feel comfortable with providing.

We Need Parent Volunteers!

Parent volunteers are always needed to help organize, help with events, help with distributions, help in the classroom and as CHAPERONES for field trips!!

Ask Main Office or Teacher

Arrangements to volunteer MUST be coordinated with the teacher or staff prior to volunteering.

Volunteers are not allowed to bring siblings or other kids while volunteering in the classroom or on field trips.

Fingerprinting Required to Volunteer

All volunteers and chaperones are responsible for the cost of a background check and fingerprinting. The cost is FREE if you are approved for Free and Reduced Lunch.

Fingerprinting Office Information

All background checks must be obtained through the Prince George’s County Public Schools Fingerprinting Office.

Call the Fingerprinting Office at 301-952-6775 for additional information.

checklist boxes

Welcome Checklist

Class Dojo Connected?

Make sure you to connect with us on Class Dojo to stay up to date on school announcements, class announcements, events, parent meetings, and give-a-ways. Also, you can message your student's teacher directly. We post all sign- ups for programs, food distributions and much more!

ClassDojo logo

Applied for Free and Reduced Lunch?

Remember to apply for free and reduced lunch it is recommended to apply even if you plan on packing your student's lunch. Remember all must apply every school year!


Need to come in the office? Bring ID

Remember to bring a photo identification if you plan to come in to the office. All adults are checked for Identification to enter the building.

identification card illustration

Want to volunteer or be a chaperone?

We would love to have you! Call us at 301-985-1890 or speak to someone in the main office and we can help you through the process!

people raising hand icon

Thomas Stone Handbook - Text Version


tiger mascot with graduation cap on

Student and Parent Handbook

Welcome to Thomas S. Stone Elementary School where we are "Building Academic Excellence and Strong Character with TIGER P.R.I.D.E."


vision and mission on compass

Our Vision

Thomas S. Stone Elementary prepares students from diverse backgrounds to succeed in college and career by empowering them to build a strong character, achieve excellence, think critically and creatively, and interact sensibly and responsibly with the world around them.

Our Mission

We fulfill our vision through the implementation of a rigorous instructional and character development program  based  on  high  expectations, academic achievement, collaboration, and integrity. We are committed and accountable for providing opportunities to our faculty, staff, students, and community that result in increased student achievement.

hand up pledge and heart icon

School Pledge

Excellence, Discipline, and Attitude too. They bring out the best in me and you. Respect, Integrity and doing our best will prepare us for college and show others that we care. I believe in myself and I know what is right; today I will achieve and show school Pride!


Dear Thomas Stone Family,

Welcome to Thomas Stone Elementary School!

Thomas Stone and Prince George’s County will focus on three system initiatives: school climate and culture, accelerating achievement in Mathematics, and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and mental health. To support these initiatives, we will continue to provide virtual and in-person to support these initiatives, we will continue to provide virtual and in-person after- school activities, parent workshops, and other activities for our community to help us remain a proudly diverse community of learners serving the communities of Mt. Rainier, Brentwood, and N. Brentwood.

Last school year, the Superintendent announced systemic changes to school start and end times. Our NEW School hours are from 7:30 to 1:40 PM. The doors will open for breakfast at 7:15. All parents are welcome to bring their children to school each morning and accompany them to class. However, all visitors entering the building must bring a valid photo ID to receive a visitor's pass.

School safety is a priority. To maintain a safe and orderly environment, we have arrival and dismissal procedures for the parking lot. Cars will only be allowed to enter through the third gate, and buses will enter through the second gate. There will also be designated walking areas for students and families.

checklist boxes

Welcome Checklist

Class Dojo Connected?

Make sure you to connect with us on Class Dojo to stay up to date on school announcements, class announcements, events, parent meetings, and give-a-ways. Also, you can message your student's teacher directly. We post all sign- ups for programs, food distributions and much more!

ClassDojo logo

Applied for Free and Reduced Lunch?

Remember to apply for free and reduced lunch it is recommended to apply even if you plan on packing your student's lunch. Remember all must apply every school year!


Need to come in the office? Bring ID

Remember to bring a photo identification if you plan to come in to the office. All adults are checked for Identification to enter the building.

identification card illustration

Want to volunteer or be a chaperone?

We would love to have you! Call us at 301-985-1890 or speak to someone in the main office and we can help you through the process!

people raising hand icon

adult walking child up steps in front of building

Arrival and Student Dismissal Procedures

An orderly arrival and dismissal of students helps us create a positive tone for a wholesome school; therefore, it is extremely important for us to maintain order and be consistent.

Arrival Time - 7:30 AM to 7:45 AM

All students are to enter the building through the cafeteria to pick up their breakfast before reporting to class. The students will have approximately 15 minutes to eat breakfast, listen to the morning announcements, and get ready for instruction. All students arriving at school after morning announcements must report to the main office to receive a tardy pass.

Departure Time - 1:55 PM

The goal is for all students to be dismissed from the school by 2:15 pm each and every day!

All students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m..

  • Pre-K - outside through the front lobby for pick-up.
  • Kindergarten - exit through the double glass doors within fence area.
  • Grade 1 - through the door by the front temps
  • Grade 2 - dismissed by the left side field near Pre-K Playground
  • Grade 3, 4 and 5 will be dismissed to the black top.
  • Siblings report to their younger siblings dismissal location upon regular dismissal. They will NOT be called earlier.

safety first talk bubbles

Safety Patrols

We are very proud of our safety patrols and we are fortunate to have a well-organized, efficient, and dependable Patrol Program. Staff sponsors select the patrols based on willingness to respect authority, reliability, academic performance, and serving as role models for peers. Please encourage your children to obey and respect the patrols as they help to promote safety in our school community.

Arrival Map for 7:15 AM

Thomas Stone Elementary arrival map

Map Legend

blue arrow Blue arrows - cars
red arrow Red arrows - pedestrians
yellow arrow Yellow arrows - buses
orange arrow Orange arrows - drop off walkers
orange circle Orange circles - drop off spaces
blue rectangle Blue rectangles - parking spaces available for parents to park and accompany their students


Dismissal Map for 1:40 PM

Thomas Stone Elementary dismissal map

Map Legend

blue arrow Blue arrows - cars
red arrow Red arrows - pedestrians
yellow arrow Yellow arrows - buses
blue rectangle Blue rectangles - parking spaces available for parents to pick up students

group of people and one hand raised icon

Attendance Matters


If a student is absent from school, a written excuse or doctor’s note MUST be submitted for each absence in order to be excused. If no excuse is received by the school, the absence will be marked unexcused. Parents can submit excuses online or in person.

A doctor’s note must be submitted if the student was absent for more than six days. The following are considered lawful absences (must bring documented proof):

  • death of an immediate family member
  • illness of the student;
  • physical or mental incapacity
  • court summons
  • observance of religious holidays
  • violent storms/weather
  • disciplinary suspension state of emergency
  • school approved work, activity or action

Picking Up Students Early

Any student needing to be excused early for doctor, dental appointment, etc. should provide a note on the morning of the appointment, which should be sent to the main office. Parents must go to the office to sign out students, who will then be called for dismissal.

Parents/Guardians must receive permission and show proper identification prior to picking up a student early from class.


Students must have a pass or tardy slip in order to enter their classroom after 7:45 AM.

All tardy students’ time of arrival will be recorded in

the main office on Student tardy form.

Chronically Absent

A student is chronically absent if the student has been absent 10% or more of the school days enrolled at that school.

The teacher is to contact the parent/guardian and record on the parent log every time the continuous absences occur. If the classroom teacher believes the problem is chronic, next steps will be discussed. The Guidance Counselor and Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW) will monitor the student’s attendance and send an attendance letter to the parents. They may also invite the parent for a conference. Further action will be taken for students/parents who continue to be out of compliance.

Habitually Truant

A student is habitually truant if the student has been enrolled in a school for 91 or more days in a school year and is unlawfully absent from school for a number of days or portion of days equal to or in excess of 20% of the school days within any marking period, semester, or year. There may be legal consequences when a student is habitually truant.

Bringing Attendance Home Parent Video


Attendance Everyday in Spanish

elementary student with backpack on smiling

Student Rights & Responsibilities

Student Rights

Prince George’s County Public Schools does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex, age, national origin, religion, or handicapping conditions.

Thomas Stone Elementary School respects the rights of students and will ensure that all students will be treated equally and fairly. Some of the student rights in the PGCPS Code of Student Conduct include:

  • An education in a safe learning environment
  • Freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion
  • Due process of academic, attendance, and disciplinary measures

Student Responsibilities

Along with rights come responsibilities. Each student is expected to:

  • Help create and maintain a safe and orderly school conducive to learning. Thomas Stone Elementary has a zero-tolerance for fighting of any kind regardless of who is the aggressor.
  • Know and obey all school rules and regulations.
  • Come to school each day on time and ready to learn.
  • Work to achieve potential in all activities.
  • Obey all instructions from all school employees in a positive manner.
  • Ask questions to ensure understanding.
  • Dress according to the school dress code.
  • Accept responsibility for actions.


students on a bus smiling and waving

General School Guidelines

If all students understand and follow these guidelines, we can make Thomas Stone Elementary School a safe and pleasant place to be if everyone respects the rights of others.

  • Everyone should show respect for all people at school. This respect can be demonstrated by the way we act towards others, and by the way we speak.
  • Everyone should show respect for school property: books, furniture, and lavatories. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Such acts may result in suspension and/or monetary cost for repairs.
  • Accept responsibility to come to school prepared with books, homework, lunch money, instruments, etc.
  • Come to school on time and be ready to work. Accept responsibility, and do one’s work to the best of one’s ability when it is assigned.
  • Cooperation should be shown as we work together in small or large groups; taking turns is important.
  • Our school is a calm building - we work calmly in class and do not disturb others; we come into school calmly in the morning and leave calmly in the afternoon
  • We use proper language and good manners - foul language is unacceptable.
  • Only appropriate items for instruction should be brought to school. No toy weapons of any kind are acceptable.
  • Found items do not become the finder’s property, but should be turned in to the teacher.
  • Fighting is not permitted at Thomas Stone Elementary School under any circumstances. If it occurs, a phone call will be made to parents. A fight may result in suspension of at least one day from school. Disagreements can be settled without fighting. We must teach our children to handle disagreements with our minds, not our fists. Fighting is a suspendable offense regardless who starts the fight!

group of sports equipment

After-School & Enrichment Programs

Throughout the school year, we provide a variety of after-school programs and extended learning opportunities for all grades. Prior program registration is required and will be shared via Dojo and/or sent home in student’s backpacks. Students are placed in programs on a first-come, first- served basis. Each program has its limit on the number of students and all registrations after that limit is reached will be placed on a wait list. Please remember that these registration forms are a commitment that your student will attend the program regularly, and we will monitor attendance for these programs.

adult helping elementary student in computer lab

If your student is unable to attend the after-school program or must drop out, please notify the program coordinator so we can try to fill the spot in a timely manner.

attendance written out and circled

Program Attendance

Attendance will be taken into consideration when registering for after-school programs, and if there is an attendance concern, we will notify you and may ask for an attendance contract to be signed, or you may be put on a wait list. If we notice a pattern of absences in previous after-school opportunities, you may also be contacted for an attendance contract. Due to the limited spots available, we want to ensure that the programs are benefiting as many students as we can, and that is possible with consistent attendance.

books with colorful covers

Books & Other School Materials

Board of Education Policy 6161 states that pupils must return textbooks and/or other educational materials as were originally assigned to appropriate school personnel in a satisfactory condition, or reimburse the school for lost or damaged textbooks and/or other education materials, or make other satisfactory arrangements with the principal concerning the textbooks and/or other education materials.

hand typing on computer keyboard

school lunch trays with food on them

School Meals


Students have a choice to bring a lunch or purchase a lunch at school for $2.60, including milk. Children who bring lunch from home may purchase a carton of milk or juice during the lunch period. The student lunch price is $2.75 and reduced student breakfast price is $1.60.

Free and reduced lunch applications will be mailed directly home or can be completed online. Additional forms may be requested from the front office. Parents who believe their child(ren) qualify for the free or reduced lunch program should return the applications as soon as possible. Once verified, the reduced, breakfast and lunch are FREE.

Apply for Free and Reduced Priced Meals

How to Pay for Lunch

Thomas Stone Elementary uses a computerized meal program. All enrolled students are issued a PIN# and a corresponding meal account. It is important that each student memorize his/her PIN#. This number is confidential; therefore the number must not be given to other students.

Money can be deposited in a student’s account at any time in any amount up to $99.99 Parents are encouraged to maintain money in their child’s account. This ensures that each student account has sufficient money in case a lunch is forgotten or misplaced. Students may bring money to school to add to their account. However, we strongly encourage parents to take advantage of the online system, My School Bucks.

My School Bucks logo

Lost or Forgotten Lunch

No child will have to go without lunch. If a child has not brought a lunch from home and does not have sufficient money in his or her account to cover the cost of lunch, that child will be served a cheese sandwich at no cost. This is PGCPS policy. Please notify the office if your child is allergic to cheese/milk.


Other School Items

elementary students on playground equipment


The Recess period is a regular part of the school program for grades kindergarten through five. It consists of a daily, supervised, period of free play on the playground. All children are expected to participate in recess unless they have a medical problem which prevents them from doing so.

If a medical condition exists, it should be substantiated by a doctor’s certificate, which should be sent to the teacher. If a teacher does not receive such a note, the student will participate in the recess program.

During inclement weather, recess is held in the classrooms.

boy looking at books on library shelf

Library Media Services

The mission of the media center is to ensure that all students and staff acquire the informational literacy skills necessary to become life-long learners. The Media Center has a wide collection of books, videos, and CD-ROMs that correlate with and enhance the curriculum. Students are encouraged to visit the library on a regular basis in addition to their scheduled class times (by teacher permission, only). Parents are asked to remind their children about book care and the responsibility to return all books on time. Prince George’s County School Policy states that students must return all books and materials or pay for them before the end of the school year.

colorful party banner

Birthdays & Celebrations

Birthday parties are not allowed.

Parents should notify teachers 48 hours in advance if providing their child with a treat or gift bag for the class. Teachers agreeing to a birthday treat will give up their lunch to supervise distribution.

Only store-bought and sealed treats can be enjoyed during the lunch period of the student. Gift bags must be approved by the office in advance.

PGCPS Safe Stop Bullying

Bullying & Conflict Resolution

Based on national, state, and local interest, all students at Thomas Stone Elementary School will be educated on bullying and conflict resolution. Through classroom counseling lessons and classroom discussions, they will learn the definition of bullying and various strategies needed to deal with conflict at school. If a student has a problem with a conflict at school, they will be able to utilize peer mediation or small group counseling with the School Counselor. At certain times, conflict becomes a disciplinary matter. When this happens, the Assistant Principal or Principal will investigate the situation and render disciplinary action on a case-by-case basis. This comprehensive program will ensure students learn the life skills needed to solve problems with peers while understanding that adults will be available to intervene when needed.

PGCPS Professional School Counselor crest logo

Professional School Counseling Services

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Professional School Counseling Services follow the model recommended by the American School Counseling Association to deliver comprehensive school counseling services to address the academic, career, personal/social development for all students. Our counseling program is structured to be an integral part of students’ daily educational environment.

Ms. Miller, Professional School Counselor

wellness inside and out graphic

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social-Emotional Lessons will be given to the entire school. Your child will focuses on the soft skills that students acquire as they learn to interact with one another in appropriate and respectful ways. Through SEL, students will learn how to build strong, positive relationships with others by showing empathy, making responsible decisions, and being emotionally aware.

books on table with graduation cap and diploma


As the school counselor I can work with students facing mental health issues, family and social problems as well as career exploration and course planning to make school successful.

Community School Overview

Community School Services

Ms. Valencia - Community School Coordinator

Thomas Stone is a Community School. The Prince George’s County Public Schools’ Community Schools initiative aims to provide equitable access to integrated support and wrap- around services that promote academic, economic and social empowerment for schools and their communities. We are currently funded by the Kirwan Grant in which we are providing after-school programs, parent workshops, staff professional development, mental health services, community events, school-wide food and produce distributions, as well as referrals for social services and/or other resources.

In order to receive assistance please reach out to the Community School Coordinator to fill out referral form.

Mental Health Services

Ms. Sloan-Forbes - School Based Mental Health Provider

As a collaborating partner with the Prince George’s County School System, your assigned school-based Maryland licensed clinician will work to enhance free accessibility of services for all to include individual and family sessions and to work with the Community School Coordinator and School Counselor to provide wrap around services to support the student, family and improve the positive wellness of the school community.  

group of parents with one parent raising her hand

Parent Volunteers

Students feel a sense of pride when they see their parents and other familiar adults helping in their school!

Parent volunteers are eagerly sought at Thomas Stone Elementary School We can use support in any capacity you feel comfortable with providing.

We Need Parent Volunteers!

Parent volunteers are always needed to help organize, help with events, help with distributions, help in the classroom and as CHAPERONES for field trips!!

Ask Main Office or Teacher

Arrangements to volunteer MUST be coordinated with the teacher or staff prior to volunteering.

Volunteers are not allowed to bring siblings or other kids while volunteering in the classroom or on field trips.

Fingerprinting Required to Volunteer

All volunteers and chaperones are responsible for the cost of a background check and fingerprinting. The cost is FREE if you are approved for Free and Reduced Lunch.

Fingerprinting Office Information

All background checks must be obtained through the Prince George’s County Public Schools Fingerprinting Office.

Call the Fingerprinting Office at 301-952-6775 for additional information.

checklist boxes

Welcome Checklist

Class Dojo Connected?

Make sure you to connect with us on Class Dojo to stay up to date on school announcements, class announcements, events, parent meetings, and give-a-ways. Also, you can message your student's teacher directly. We post all sign- ups for programs, food distributions and much more!

ClassDojo logo

Applied for Free and Reduced Lunch?

Remember to apply for free and reduced lunch it is recommended to apply even if you plan on packing your student's lunch. Remember all must apply every school year!


Need to come in the office? Bring ID

Remember to bring a photo identification if you plan to come in to the office. All adults are checked for Identification to enter the building.

identification card illustration

Want to volunteer or be a chaperone?

We would love to have you! Call us at 301-985-1890 or speak to someone in the main office and we can help you through the process!

people raising hand icon