Mrs. Kimberly Corprew, Principal
Dr. Trevine Jelks. Assistant Principal
Fort Washington Forest Elementary School
1300 Fillmore Road, Ft. Washington, MD 20744
Office: 301 203-1123
Fax: 301-203-1129
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
In-person inquiries MUST have an apppintment to enter the school building. NO WALK-INS!!!
Withdrawals REQUIRE an appointment. Please contact the Main Office to schedule an appointment. NO WALK-INS!!
The mission of Fort Washington Forest Elementary School is to provide a quality education for every student and to ensure that each student is college and career ready.
The vision of Fort Washington Forest Elementary School is to create a climate and culture of:
"Where We Build Strong Minds and Character"
Clear & Focused Mission
Climate of High Expectations
Time on Task
Positive Home-School Relations
Frequent Monitoring of Student Progress
Youth Development
Student Council
Safety Patrols
Instrumental Music
Afterschool Clubs
A written explanation of your child's absence is required from the parent/guardian or doctor's office when the student returns to school. The note must indicate the dates and reason for the absence(s).
School begins promptly at 8:30am and ends at 2:40pm. Students are considered late at 8:35am. For the safety of our students, children are not permitted to arrive at school before 8:15am. It is important for students to be present and on-time every day to received the full benefit of the instructional program at Fort Washington Forest Elementary School.
If you are dropping off your child in the morning, please do not enter, park in or block the front parking lot during the following times 8:00-9:00am. We need to ensure that our buses can arrive safely and on-time each day.
Students who are being picked up for early dismissal must be signed out each day. We check parents/guardians ID and match students according to the individuals listed on the Emergency-Transportation & Authorized Pick-up Form or a written note. Students will not be permitted to leave for early dismissal after 2:00pm. If you need to make changes to your child's Emergency Pick-up information, please come in to update your child's emergency form or send in a written note to the main office.
Please do not enter, park in or block our front parking lot after 2:00p.m. Please use the rear parking lot for student pick-up. We ask that you remain in your vehicle and follow the pick-up line dismissal procedures. Your cooperation will allow for a smooth transition during this vey busy time of the day.
If your child is normally scheduled for afternoon bus transportation, you must communicate any change to their dismissal arrangments to your child's teacher and the main office by 12noon.
If the decision is made to close schools due to inclement weather, local television and radio stations will broadcast the information. You may also access the Prince George's County Public School's Website for e-alerts to obtain emergency school closing or early school dismissal information.
Entrance into a prekindergarten program is determined by age, income and school eligibility. The prekindergarten program will provide a full-day session following the boundary school bell time. Class size is limited to 20 students.
The Maryland State Department of Education are requirements for enrollment into kindergarten (Education Article, §7-101, Admission of Students, COMAR 13A.08.01.02, Age for School Attendance): Children admitted to the kindergarten program in the public school shall be at least five (5) years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which they apply for entrance.