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Nurse's Corner

Notes from our School Nurse,


I am happy to be able to work with you in the care of your child(ren)'s needs. If at anytime you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 301-203-1123. I have provided some information below that you may find helpful. You are an important part of your child(ren)'s health care team.

FWFES School Nurse

Help Stop the Spread of Illness
Prince George's County Public Schools has a policy for parents concerning children with illness and when to keep them at home. Remember sick children need to be kept home from school. Resting at home will help them get over the illness sooner and will prevent them from exposing other children and staff. Your child should be kept home and you should contact your Primary Care Provider when your child has any of the following:

When to Stay Home

  • A temperature of greater than 100.4 taken with an oral thermometer
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain that is constant. If vomiting starts after the pain begins (call your health care provider that day)
  • A headache that is interfering with activities
  • A sore throat that causes difficulty swallowing
  • Yellow discharge on eye lashes in the morning that comes back after being wiped off lashes and eyes that are red (call your health care provider for an appointment the day this is observed)
  • A skin rash that causes itching and/or a decrease in activity
  • A constant cough and/or difficulty breathing
  • Is complaining of feeling ill, has a lack of energy and/or decrease in activity
  • Your child may return to school when your health care provider says he/she can, when symptoms are gone for 24 hours or if you child has taken a prescribed antibiotic for a full 24 hours.

Medications are only to be taken at school when absolutely necessary. A medical authorization form must be completed by a physician before any medication (prescription or non-prescription) can be given to students at school. The form (PS51) can be obtained from the school. Children are not permitted to have any medication (prescription or non-prescription) in their possession or in their backpack at school (including but not limited to cough drops, medication for gas, sinus, allergy, etc.)

New Students
Any student new to Prince George's County Public Schools must have a physical within 6 months of entrance to the school. The Physical Inventory form can be obtained from the school. Please see the nurse for assistance.

Kindergarten Registration
In order to register students for Kindergarten, the parents/guardians must provide a copy of the child's shot record including 4 Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT), 2 Measles (MMR), 3 Polio (OPV), 2 Chicken Pox and 3 Hepatitis B vaccinations, and a Physical Examination form (SR6) must be completed by a physician or nurse practitioner. This physical examination must be completed within the period of 9 months prior to or 6 months after enrollment.

Family Emergency Form
Please make sure you have filled out a family emergency form for each child in your family. They must be filled out front and back, be signed by the parent and have valid emergency contact numbers. It is extremely difficult to contact parents when children are sick or injured without current, valid information on these family emergency forms.

Vision and hearing screenings are being conducted for students in Kindergarten, 1st and 4th grades as well as any students new to the county. Any child that does not pass a screening will receive a vision and/or hearing referral letter. The parents are advised to have a physician evaluate the child's vision and/or hearing status. Once your child has been seen by a provider, please notify the school nurse.

Link to Forms and Information

When to Keep Your Child Home From School
