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Principal's Welcome Message

Brian Baudoin

Welcome GWES Tigers

Greetings Mighty Tigers,

The start of a new school year is always a very exciting time! One that’s filled with new beginnings, new friendships, and new opportunities for learning. We are excited to welcome our school community to Glendarden Woods Elementary, filled with quality teaching and learning for all of our students. 

As your principal, my philosophy is plain and simple; it is all about the children.

I believe that a principal has to be accessible, and therefore, I maintain an accessible presence for our parents, children, and teachers. 

I believe that parent involvement is not only important; it is essential to the success of our school. 

I believe in celebrating diversity to ensure that everyone knows they are valued as a member of our school community. 

I believe that our school family will continue to learn together and grow together. We are partners in your child’s success. 

I believe when schools, parents and children work together, the impossible becomes possible.  

I’m dreaming of this school year to come; the best is yet to be…

at Glenarden Woods, “Where Dreams Come True”! 

Stay safe and be well.  

All the best, 
Brian Baudoin

email Principal Baudoin