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World Languages

International Culture and Language Program (ICAL)

International Culture and Language (ICAL) for Grades 2 - 5 is taught to all Talented and Gifted (TAG) students and some comprehensive students at the TAG centers. Each ICAL unit consist of approximately 15 lessons introducing students to learn basic vocabulary to be used in short conversations and relevant geographical and cultural information.

Program Focus

During each quarter, the students at the elementary level will focus on enhancing their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The World Language Department uses the World Language National Standards (ACTFL) and the College and Career Readiness Standards. The teachers will incorporate the five C’s in their classes. The five C’s are Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. The learners will use the three modes of communication: Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational. Listening will be enforced using a listening center, kinesthetic activities, games, songs, and technology integration. Speaking will be assessed using oral presentations, dialogues, and using various forms of digital media. The learners will use Performance Based Assessments to assess all of the standards.

Units of Study by Grade Level

  • 2nd Grade - Japanese ICAL, French ICAL
  • 3rd Grade - Chinese ICAL, Italian ICAL
  • 4th Grade - Spanish ICAL, Russian ICAL
  • 5th Grade - Spanish, French, Japanese ICAL

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