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Future Farmers of America

Leasa Gudderra

Classroom Teacher
FFA Sponsor

Danita Matthews

Department Chairperson
Classroom Teacher | Ecology Club Sponsor | FFA Sponsor
Future Farmers of America

Ms. Gudderra
Ms. Matthews


FFA is a youth organization in Agricultural Education that promotes personal growth, career success, and premier leadership.


Meetings are key components to quality Agricultural Education program.
FFA Chapter meets Monday after school in Room 226 or Media center from 2:30-4:00 p.m. weekly.

All students flagged as Academy of Environmental Studies are required to attend the meetings or make up the same amount of time during lunch period with their advisor/teacher. Their participation is part of classroom grade. Activities are geared towards career readiness. Students participate in workshops with many organizations
such as: Ernst Evert Foundation, MD FFA, National FFA, University Extension, and UMES to name a few.

Partnerships have been developed with Maryland Department of Agriculture, Farm Bureau, Accokeek Foundation,
and others.

History of FFA

Founded in 1928, the Future Farmers of America brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. In Kansas City's Baltimore Hotel, 33 young farm boys charted
a course for the future. They could not have foreseen how the organization would grow and thrive.

Since 1928, millions of agriculture students -no one knows exactly how many - have donned the official FFA jacket and championed the FFA creed. FFA has opened its doors and its arms to minorities and women, ensuring that all students could reap the benefits of agricultural education. Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Now, the organization is expanding the nation's view of "traditional" agriculture and finding new ways to infuse agriculture into the classroom.

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