The GPHS uniform consists of:
- Solid white or solid black collar/polo style shirts, yellow shirts for 9th graders only
- Tan khaki pants, shorts (at least fingertip length), or
skirts (at least fingertip length). NO LEGGINGS
- No rips, tears, or holes in clothing
- Solid stockings: white, solid black or solid neutral
(flesh tone) for girls (NO LACE or FISHNET)
- Solid white, solid black or solid gold jackets or sweaters with NO HOODS - For 9th Graders, solid gold or yellow jackets and sweaters ONLY
- Outdoor or large outerwear and coats must be placed in lockers
- No scarves, wraps, bandanas, hats, hoods, or any head covering or gear
- No headphones or earbuds are to be worn in halls
*Student IDs ARE a part of the school uniform! Students must carry their student ID at all times and PRESENT it upon request.
Uniform Violation Consequences
- Parental Notification: Parent can bring the uniform or ID to school for the student
- In-school suspension for the entire day, if uniform items or ID are not brought to school
- Out-of-school suspension, if the student continues to be non-compliant with the uniform policy