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Bookbag with supplies

Kindergarten Supply List

  • 2 pink erasers
  • 1 set watercolors
  • 1 box Crayola markers
  • 1 package white cardstock
  • Last name starts with A-M: quart size Ziploc bags…Last name starts with N-Z: gallon size Ziploc bags
  • 1 PRIMARY composition notebook - it should have white space at the top and dotted lines at the bottom of each page
  • 4 boxes 24 Crayola crayons
  • 8 glue sticks
  • 1 bottle of glue
  • 1 pack Expo (dry erase) markers—any color
  • 2 boxes tissues
  • 2 bottles of hand soap
  • 2 bottles hand sanitizer
  • 12 #2 pencils
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 2 Containers Lysol/Clorox wipes
  • 2 rolls paper towels
  • 2 plastic pencil boxes
  • backpack
  • lunch box if needed with name on it
  • change of clothes-name marked- in a Ziploc bag

*BUYING TIP: Buy extras of school supplies while the stores have their super sales in the summer, and save them for later use. 

1st Grade Supply List 24-25

(Please purchase the name brand items listed…they are more helpful in the classroom!)

12 pack sharpened #2 yellow with eraser

3 Black Expo wipe off markers         

 6 school style pink erasers

1 pair scissors for classroom use (left handed scissors for your child if needed)

2 boxes Crayola crayons (24 count)- these work the best

10 large Elmer’s Glue Sticks

3 plastic pocket folders with prongs- (one red, one blue and one yellow-no cartoons please)

1 pk. Tissues boys only

1 bottle Lysol wipes girls only

1 bottle hand soap boys only    

1 zipper pouch to leave at school for supplies with name on it- (no hard cases please)

1 pack Commando plastic hooks with stick on tape for the desks- large size-  to hang our headphones

3 Primary Composition Journals (Can buy at Office Depot or Staples—Black and White with space for picture and primary lines.) MUST BE PRIMARY STYLE not college ruled- chubby lines

1 pk. Quart size Ziplock baggies and 1 gallon size baggies

1 pk. Colored Xerox paper white- If you can help!

*Strongly suggested:  1 mouse and one set headphones with microphone - please put  name on it! I suggest the heavy duty strong headphones!

2nd Grade Supply List 24-25

    • 1 pair of blunt tip scissors
    • 1 zipper pencil case (No Pencil Boxes)
    • 2 pack of #2 pencils 12 or 24 count
    • 2 erasers (pink rectangular)
    • 2 boxes of 8 or 16 count crayons
    • 3 dry-erase markers (Expo if possible)
    • 2 boxes of Kleenex (120 count or more)
    • 1  (2)-pocket folders with fasteners (plastic coated preferred)
    • 2 composition notebooks (No Spiral Notebooks)
    • 6 glue sticks
    • 1 container of disinfecting wipes
    • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer (8oz.) OR 1 refill bottle of hand sanitizer
    • 1 pair of headphones or earbuds

    PLEASE DO NOT SEND:  3 Ring Binders, Trapper Keeper Notebooks, or pencil sharpeners.

    We thank you in advance for your support.  PLEASE SEND IN ALL SUPPLIES ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.    Please write your child’s name on the outside packaging of all supplies.

3rd Grade Supply List 24-25

    • 4 marble composition books
    • 2 boxes of 16/24 crayons
    • Sharpened #2 Pencils (at least 48 to start please)
    • 2 packs of pencil top erasers (44 count)
    • 1 fabric zipper-style pencil case ( no pencil box)
    • Clorox or Lysol wipes ( 75 count)
    • 3 packs of baby wipes
    • 4 plastic folders ( no brads in the middle) - red, blue, green, and yellow
    • 2 packs of 3 or more glue sticks
    • `2 packs of colored thin-point markers ( multi-colored)
    • 2 pairs of scissors
    • 2 boxes of colored pencils
    • 3 boxes of Kleenex tissues
    • 1 box of Black EXPO markers
    • 1 box of thin-point EXPO markers

    * Donation of clipboards appreciated

4th Grade Supply List 24-25

  • Plastic/Cloth Pencil Carrier w/zipper (no boxes please)
  • 4 boxes of #2 yellow pencils (NOT MECHANICAL, other styles jam our sharpeners)
  • County Mandated—Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Writing  Journals, composition style books (5 total)*label w/subject & student’s name 
  • 2 pack of Colored Pencils & 2 boxes of crayons 
  • 6- two pocket folders (various colors if possible) label it-Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Math & Science, Unfinished Work
  • 1 Set of Dry Erase markers**(Expo)
  • Pack of Highlighters (4)
  • 2 pairs of Scissors
  • Glue sticks (8+)
  • 2 packs of Wide Ruled Notebook paper**
  • Several packs of Post it notes
  • 1 Clipboard
  • 2 bottles of hand sanitizer & 2 bottles of liquid soap**
  • 4 boxes of tissues and 4 rolls of paper towels**
  • 4 container of Clorox Wipes**
  • 1 Can of Lysol Spray**
  • 1 box of Ziploc bags**
  • Earbuds or earphones (for computer use)
  • Electric pencil sharpener (keep at home)
  • 1 box Band Aids**
  • $7 for Agenda book

**Classroom donation items


5th Grade Supply List 24-25

1 pair of headphones/earbuds

4 boxes of #2 pencils

1 pencil sharpener

Extra erasers

2 pens (blue or black)

1 pencil pouch/box

2 black Sharpie markers

5 composition notebooks

10 glue sticks

1 pack of colored pencils

1 pack of markers

1 pair of scissors

1 combination lock for locker (lockers may not be used without a lock) 2 pocket folders

2 highlighters

2 packs of Post-It notes

2 boxes of tissues

CRI Supply List 24-25

4 Marble composition notebooks

2 Boxes of 24 count Crayola Crayons

2 Boxes of #2 pencils

6 Glue Sticks

3 Red Erasers (Rectangle in size)

1 clear zipper pencil pouch

1 pack Expo Markers (dry erase)

1 Ruler ( cm and inches )

3 ring binders ( 2 inches size with pockets and dividers )

3 sets of dividers

4 Pocket folders

1 pack of Highlighter (Yellow)

1 pair of scissors

3 Boxes of Kleenex Tissue

2 packs of Ziploc Bags ( regular size sandwich and Large size )

1 pack of colored pencils

4 containers of disinfectant wipes ( Lysol )

4 large bottles of Hand Sanitizer

1 pack of construction paper

4 Boxes of Facial Tissue

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