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Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device (PEDs) Policy

  • All cell phones and personal electronic devices (PEDs) must be POWERED OFF AND PUT AWAY during the school day.
  • Scholars may not listen to music, text, make phone calls, play games, take photos/videos or post to social media at school. 
  • Scholars may use cellphones/PEDs on the school bus, except when entering or exiting the bus, as long as it does not cause a disruption. Scholars may not take pictures or videos on the school bus.  
  • Devices WILL be confiscated for violating this policy. Confiscated items must be picked up by a parent or a legal guardian. Continued violations will result in disciplinary actions.  
  • Failure to hand over a device when requested to do so by an administrator or security personnel WILL result in immediate disciplinary actions. 
  • Scholars assume full responsibility for their cellphone/PEDs. The school system may not assume liability for theft, loss, damage or unauthorized use of PEDs possessed by students on school property.
  • MAFI Cellphone/ PEDs policy is in accordance with PGCPS