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Nurse's Health Suite


A full-time Registered Professional School Nurse staffs the school health room. Health Aides are not permitted to administer any medicines. Forms are available in the school to be completed by a doctor for any medications that must be taken at school. This refers to over-the-counter medications, as well as prescription medications. Please check to see that your child is well before he/she comes to school. Due to limited facilities and personnel, a student who becomes ill at school may remain in the health room for up to 30 minutes before a parent is called.

A student injured at school will be sent to the health room where minor scrapes and bruises will be attended to. Parents are called when there is an injury to the head or back. In the event of serious injury, if a parent or emergency contact cannot be reached, 911 will be called and the child may be transported to the nearest hospital. If, after being ill, a student is not sufficiently recovered to participate in physical education or go out to recess, that child is probably not ready to return to school. There are some exceptions such as broken limbs. A doctor’s excuse is needed when a student is not able to participate in physical education. The law requires the regular participation of every child unless declared unfit by a medical doctor.

Medications at school: We urge you to dispense all medications at home whenever possible. If medications must be taken at school, clearly defined guidelines must be followed. Any medications brought to school must be left in the health room where they are placed in locked facilities. All specialized medical services and medications require health forms from a physician specifying dosage, child’s name, and the time the medication is to be given, with authorization for us to administer the medication at school. A Physician's Prescription and Non-Prescription Form, or a Emergency EpiPen Epinephrine Order Form, or a Inhaler or Nebulizer Order Form must be on file for each individual situation. Upon taking the medication, the student signs a log indicating receipt of the medication.