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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Nakida Simmons

PTA Secretary

The Prince George's County Board of Education believes that parent-school collaboration is essential to providing the best learning environment for children. If you are looking for a way to get to know parents in a totally diversified and inclusive environment, the Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) is a good place to start. If you have the skill set for finding and securing funds that would support our school programs, the P.T.A. is the path to success. If you want find a way to commit to spending more time in schoolhouse, the P.T.A. has got you covered on that front too. There is no limit to what the P.T.A. can do, and you can do all of this by working together with the administration and teachers. The P.T.A. will meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month. The meetings will begin at 7:00 P.M. The P.T.A. president or other board member is a member of the School Improvement Team & School Planning & Management Team, along with any other interested parent.