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DuVal Brand Toolkit

Brand Toolkit Logos & Guidelines

For consistent branding and messaging in school publications and websites, please follow the logo use guidelines below. To download the image, click on the link, then right click on the image in the next page and choose Save As... All of the images to download have a transparent background and are of file type .png

Full Academic Logo - This logo contains both the seal for the school and the typography for DHS.

DHS Banner Text and Seal Color.png

Seal Logo with Text - This logo contains the seal for the school, surrounded by text

DHS Seal Color with text.png

Seal Logo without Text - This logo contains the seal of the school without additional text

DHS Seal Color.png

Typography Logo - This logo is a stylized name of the school with no logo attached to it

DHS Text Color.png

Primary Athletic Logo - This logo is of "Pawlee" the Tiger and is the primarily used by the DuVal Athletics

DHS Tiger Color.png

Alternate Athletic Logo - This is a stylized "D" utilized as an alternate logo for DuVal Athletics

DHS D Orange-Black.png

Athletic Logo with Wordmark - This is another alternate logo that includes a wordmark reading DUVAL TIGERS. It is for use of DuVal Athletics and should be used when the school name is needed.

DHS DuVal Tigers.png

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