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Technology Support


Byron Ware

IT Technician

PGCPS Here 2 Help: Fixing a Dell 3100 Chromebook


Chromebook power reset

Acceptable Use Policy


DuVal High School is pleased to offer students access to a computer network for access to the Internet. The Internet and World Wide Web have been installed for students and instructors to use for academic purposes only. The uses of information systems are to be consistent with the educational ob;jectives of Prince George's County Schools.

Access to the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of that privilege and/or disciplinary action by school and/or law enforcement officials. We require that students and parents or guardians read and abide by the following rules for acceptable on line behavior. It is DuVal High School's belief that the Internet is a valuable educational tool and that all staff and students will follow this Acceptable Use Policy.

While the Internet can be a tremendous source of information, it also contains material that are illegal, inaccurate, inappropriate, defamatory, or potentially offensive to some people. Staff members will do their best to guide and monitor student use of the Internet, but staff cannot be held liable if a student accidentally or willfully goes to an objectionable site. The school system makes every effort to prevent students from being exposed to objectionable or offensive materials, but it is, ultimately, the responsibility of each individual student to adhere to this acceptable use policy.

DuVal provides the information systems including, but not limited to, hardware, software, communication lines and devices, graphing calculators, terminals, printers, CD-ROM devices, network drives, scanners, and computers to be used for educational purposes. Personal browsing and web based email is not allowed on school computers. These services are provided to improve learning and teaching through research, teacher training, administrative support, collaboration, dissemination of information, and use of materials and resources. Access to networks whether within the building or outside carries with it the responsibility for proper use of those resources and computing facilities. All computer users must be responsible, thoughtful, and conscientious users. The following guidelines are intended to help users understand appropriate use. All access to information systems shall be pre-approved by the principal or his/her designee.

The school may restrict or terminate any user's access, without prior notice, if such action is deemed necessary to maintain computing availability and security for other users of the system. Disciplinary action, including suspension, may also be imposed.


Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school's computer network just as they are in a classroom or on school property. General school rules for behavior, as stated in the Student Code of Conduct, apply. It is expected that users will comply with district standards and the specific rules and consequences as outlined below.

Students must show a valid DuVal High School ID Badge while using any computer at school. Should a parent/guardian prefer that a student not have Internet access, student use of the computers is still possible for curricular implementation.

Rules and Consequences

The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school's computer resources. Students are advised never to access, keep, or send anything that they would not want their parents or teachers to see. Consequences outlined by the supervising teacher, the Student Code of Conduct, or federal law will be taken if a rule is violated, depending on the circumstance.

  • "Surfing the web" is allowed for school-related projects/activities only, if a supervising teacher/media specialist is present. Access to certain questionable web sites is deemed unauthorized usage and will result in disciplinary action. Questionable sites are those non-academic sites that allow individuals to view or read pornographic materials and vulgar and/or obscene language. Students will print only that information approved by the teacher. Students will not visit "chat rooms" or log-on to the Internet without permission from a teacher or supervising staff member. Students without signed parental/guardian permission forms will not be allowed access to the Internet. Proof of Internet permission is the student ID badge with appropriate Internet marking. Students must have parental permission to publish any projects or work on the Internet.
  • No profane, abusive, vulgar statements, discriminatory remarks, or impolite language should be used to communicate, nor should materials be accessed which do not adhere to classroom and school behavioral rules. Should students encounter such material by accident, they should report it to their teacher immediately.
  • The school reserves all rights to any material stored in files which are generally accessible to others and will whenever possible remove any material which the school, at its sole discretion, believes may be unlawful, obscene, pornographic, abusive, or otherwise objectionable. Students will not use their School system approved computer account/access to obtain, view, download, print, or otherwise gain access to such materials. Network storage areas must be considered public areas. Network administrators may review any files to maintain system integrity- this will insure that students are using the system responsibly.
  • Students should never download or install any commercial software, shareware, or freeware onto network drives or disks. This includes any CD-ROMs, disks, or multimedia software brought from home. Students should not copy other people's work or intrude into other peopleís files. This illegal act violates federal copyright laws and will be treated as a criminal offense.
  • Vandalism is any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, data of another user, or any software. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. Vandalism will be treated as a criminal offense.
  • The system does not warrant that the functions of the network systems will meet any specific requirements the user may have, or that they will be error free or uninterrupted; not shall it be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages (including lost data, information or time) sustained or incurred in connection with the use, operation or inability to use the system.

While not all improper use can be listed, the following should serve as a guideline for appropriate use of the computer facilities and network resources at DuVal High School and the Prince George's County Public Schools:

The following are expressly prohibited on DuVal High School computers:

  • Using the network for personal purposes other than educational.
  • Altering files or documents on the network not created by self.
  • Using obscene, vulgar, abusive, or inappropriate language, pictures, or other material.
  • Knowingly introducing viruses.
  • Vandalizing, including equipment damage and willful tampering with data or software.
  • Attempting to read, delete, copy or modify the email of other users.
  • Attempting to decrypt passwords.
  • Attempting to gain an unauthorized higher level of network privilege and access.
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to remote systems.
  • Deliberately interfering with other users.
  • Attempting to libel, slander or harass other users.
  • Unauthorized copying or transferring of copyrighted materials or any other violation of copyright law.
  • Placing copyrighted material on the network without permission of the author.
  • Plagiarizing, which is the taking of someone else's words, ideas, or findings and intentionally presenting them as your own without properly giving credit to their source.
  • Using networks for illegal activities.
  • Using commercial advertising, chain letters, and non-educational games.
  • Accessing IRC sites (Internet Relay Chat).
  • Unauthorized downloading of software.

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Instructions pour un étui de Chromebook


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