Testing Time: Each Advanced Placement exam is a minimum of 3 hours. Exams will begin approximately at the time indicated. If you arrive after the start time, you WILL NOT be able to take the exam and will not be refunded your money, so please plan your transportation in advance; AM and PM testers should arrange for transportation other than the bus on their exam day.
Make-Up Testing: There is NO make-up testing offered! If you fail to take an AP Exam that you have been registered for due to absence or lateness, you WILL receive an obligation for the $40 cancellation fee per exam. Money paid will not be refunded. If you have an emergency or illnesses on the day of an AP exam, please contact Mrs. Snow as soon as possible at faith.majors@pgcps.org
YOU CANNOT BE DISMISSED FROM A TESTING ROOM EARLY! If you play a sport or have a job, it is your responsibility to inform your coach or employer of your AP Exam obligation, and arrangements should be made accordingly. All test takers must be dismissed from the testing room at the same time. No one may leave early.
Bring to the Exam Room:
- Several sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers for completing multiple choice answer sheets
- Several pens with black or blue ink only, for completing areas on exam booklets and free-response
- Students who are taking AP exams requiring the use of calculators for AP Biology, Calculus, or Chemistry should bring the calculator from the approved list they are most comfortable with and one in which they know how to operate successfully. Please bring extra batteries. Please note that calculator memories will be cleared prior to testing. Visit apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse and click on the link for your course for specific calculator policy.
- College Board SSD Eligibility Letter if taking an exam with approved testing accommodations
- If you do not attend DHS and are testing, please bring a government issued photo ID, Home School/Self-Study or School Code.
Do NOT Bring to the Exam Room:
- ABSOLUTELY no electronic devices! Please DO NOT BRING TO YOUR TESTING ROOM! If you do so, you will be asked to turn it off and give to the proctor until the testing session is complete.
- Books, compasses, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, notes or colored pencils.
- Rulers, straightedges and protractors.
- Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of exam booklets.)
- Reference guides, keyboard maps or other instructions.
- Food or drink.
Get a good night’s rest before your exam, and eat a nutritious breakfast and/or lunch. Food and drink are prohibited in the exam room. It is advisable to bring a sweater, in case the room temperature is below your comfort level.
You are required to abide by the policies of both the College Board and DuVal High School during the exam period. Any misconduct will be reported and could jeopardize your AP Exam score.
Be sure to review the 2023-2024 Bulletin for AP Students and Parents. If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact faith.majors@pgcps.org.
Best of luck as you enter the home stretch of your AP classes and prepare for your exams!