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Reading and Achieving

American novelist, John Steinbeck summed up the task of learning to read, as "the greatest single effort that the human mind undertakes, and he must do it as a child." Children who read achieve. It is no wonder that students who score high on the SAT have read more words than students who don’t. Children can’t do it alone. Parents and teachers must support their efforts. What needs to be done? Simply follow the 3 R's:

  1. Read with your child every day.

Often times when children begin to read, parents/guardians stop reading. Reading with your child should continue on through the grades. Reading is a social experience. It is a time to connect and explore your child’s thinking.

  1. Reach into your wallet to buy books, magazines, and other reading material for your child and yourself.

Buying books does not have to be expensive. The libraries offer books no longer in circulation for sale. The best buys are in used bookstores. You can find quite a variety of books, but you will need to be selective as to the quality. Nothing, however, beats having children pick their own brand new book. It is empowering for the child and helps them feel committed to reading. Many bookstores offer programs that feature discounts for books.

  1. Rule the TV.

Put a reasonable limit on televisions, video, and video games so there will be time for reading in your child’s life.The research is too clear-too much television can interfere with the intellectual development of children. It is suggested that children watch no more than three hours of television a day.

We love to read and love to see students reading. We feature our favorite books below and hope you and your child will enjoy them too.

Recommended Books for ages 5-8


Recommended books for ages 8-10


Recommended books for ages 10-12
