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Identification & Screening

TAG Screening Overview

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) conducts a universal screening process for Talented and Gifted (TAG) identification in Grades 1 and 4.

  • Grade 1: Otis Lennon School Ability Assessment.
  • Grade 4: Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT).
  • Additional screening criteria: achievement assessment data, teacher checklist, and report card grades.

New Student Testing

  • New registrants in Grades 2, 3, and 5 are also tested.
  • Grades 2 & 3: Otis Lennon School Ability Assessment.
  • Grade 5: Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT).

Screening and Identification Process

  • All students who score 81%ile or higher are automatically screened for TAG services.  
  • Parents and teachers may nominate students for TAG screening by January 15.
  • School-based TAG Coordinators screen students using existing assessment data.
  • Assessment data is valid for two years; students with valid data will not be retested.
  • TAG identification is based on multiple criteria: cognitive ability test scores, achievement data, teacher checklist, and report card grades.

TAG Center Program

  • Parents/guardians may apply to the TAG Center Program via lottery during the screening process.  apply here
  • Students must be identified for TAG services to receive placement in the TAG CEnter Program.
  • Placements are based on home address.  Use SchoolFinder to locate the school based on your address.

Test Results & Communication

  • Test scores and TAG screening results are sent home by the school-based TAG Coordinator..
  • Do not request test data from the TAG Office—results are provided by school-based staff.
  • TAG Coordinators will screen students scoring 81st percentile or higher on the cognitive ability assessment.