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Behavior and Expectations

Arrive at school in time to be seated at your desk by 7:30 A.M.
Enter the school quietly and go directly to your assigned area to wait for the bell.
Always walk and line up quietly in the school.
Respect the rights and property of others.
Take good care of your school and school supplies.
Cooperate with all the adults who work at school.
Always use good manners and proper language and be considerate of others.
Deliver all messages, work papers and newsletters to your parents.
Obey patrols, crossing guards and bus drivers.
Get a pass from your teacher before leaving the classroom.
Leave all non-school items at home unless requested by your teacher.
Go directly home at dismissal.
Respect others as you want them to treat and respect you.
Be the BEST student you can by striving to do your best.

NOTE: Classroom teachers may have class rules in addition to the above. 

Discipline involves the entire school. Our ultimate goal is to move from imposed consequences to self management and student-generated, responsible decision making. To achieve that goal, students must be given choices and the opportunity to experience both the positive and the negative consequences of those choices. In most cases, choices and consequences will be worked out between the student and teachers. Some circumstances, however, may also require administrator, counselor, and/or parent involvement.

A twenty minute period of free play is provided daily. Each teacher establishes standards for playground activities with students in order to promote their fair play, cooperation, and safety. Contact sports and activities are not permitted because they often result in injuries and misunderstandings. Students are not allowed to re-enter the building without permission. Students unable to participate in outdoor recess must bring a note from parents in order to be excused.

The school can assume no responsibility for any personal property of students. Therefore cassettes, CD players, electronic games, radios, tape recorders, excess money, etc, should not be brought to school. Coats, hats, sweaters, and boots should be clearly marked in order to facilitate return to the rightful owners. All articles that are found are kept for a limited amount of time in the cafeteria Lost and Found. If your child loses an item, please see that an inquiry is made at the time of loss. Toys, etc., are not permitted without prior approval of the teacher.

The increasing availability of technology creates both opportunities and risks for students. Since the potential for harm from the misuse of technology (especially on the Internet) is significant, our school has established guidelines by which students can use the Internet in a legal, safe, productive and ethical manner. All students and their parents are asked to sign a contract to indicate that they have read and understand the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of our school for using the Internet. 

The proper use of textbooks and similar materials is part of the educational process. The Prince George's County Board of Education provides books on a free loan basis. Reimbursement is required for lost or damaged books. There will be a form given in September when books are issued which will inform parents of the determined condition of the book at that time. At the end of school, fines will be levied for lost or damaged books. The basis for fines is determined by the county's Scale for Assessment of Damage, which takes in consideration years of use. A percentage of the replacement price will be charged. County policy states that students are not to be advanced to a higher grade unless the fines are paid. We require that all books sent home be covered at all times. Books must remain covered throughout the year. Please do not cover books using tape. When the book cover is removed, tape sticking to the book can ruin the book.

Class attendance is an important aspect of student performance. According to county grading policy and procedure, if a student has an unexcused absence on the day a recorded grade is given, that student will receive a zero for his/her failure to perform the specific assignment. If the student has an excused absence for the day, he/she will be given a chance to make up the work after they return. Phone calls to request the day's homework will not be necessary since the student can make up the work after returning.

A note is required on the first returning day after an absence. The note should be dated, written by a parent or doctor, and should state the reason for the absence.

Homework is a learning activity related to instruction and assigned at all grade levels. The purposes of homework are: to reinforce, supplement, and enrich work done in the classroom, to provide for individual interests, to promote competency in skills and content learning, to help students to manage time effectively, to apply learning, and to enable them to use a variety of sources of information.

You can assist your child by providing a special time and place for homework, checking his/her work, going over the material assigned and encouraging him/her. Please do not do the assignment for your child. If you find that he/she is having difficulty even after your help, please inform the teacher (possibly with a note) so that this concept can be retaught. For children in grades one and two, homework should average thirty minutes each day; for those in grades three through five it should average between thirty and forty minutes. Please help your child develop good study habits by providing a set, quiet time and a specified place to do school work.

Homework is 25% of the final grade.