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About TRC

TAG in the Regular Classroom (TRC)

 At Pointer Ridge Elementary School, Talented and Gifted (TAG) identified students are placed in the regular classroom with other high ability students.  There are four TRC classrooms-second, third, fourth, and fifth grade.  Pointer Ridge Elementary Schools TAG Program is designed to meet the needs of tag identified students by providing an advanced, enriched, and academically rigorous program, in a supportive, nurturing environment.

The goal of the program is to meet the needs of high ability learners by providing:

  • An environment that will effectively nurture gifted learners on an ongoing basis; 
  • A rigorous, challenging curriculum designed to provide differentiated instruction, focusing on the use on instructional strategies appropriate to their learning styles; 
  • Independent study opportunities; 
  • Opportunities for students to progress on an individual basis acquiring competencies in the following areas:
    • higher level thinking skills 
    • communication skills 
    • study skills 
  • Many creative problem-solving activities provided to extend learning in all classes. 

Learning/Enrichment Opportunities  

  • Monthly Book Reports 
  • Independent Study 
  • STEM Fair Project 
  • Write-A-Book 
  • Black History Report/Project 
  • Women's History Project 
  • Junior Great Book Shared Inquiry and Discussion 
  • Author Studies 
  • Curriculum Compact 
  • Independent Learning Centers
  • Advanced Learner Extensions (choice boards)

Testing, Screening, and Rescreening 

  • The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) is administered to all students in grades 1 and 4 and when valid test data is not available for TAG screening.
  • Naglieri Nonverbal Assessment Test (NNAT) is an alternative assessment, usually given to students with and outstanding discreprancy in verbal and nonverbal score on OLSAT.
  • First and Fourth Gradethird grade students who receive a score of 80% or higher are screened for the TAG program.  Teacher and parent checklist and report card grades are also used in the identification process.
  • TAG rescreen is a list of students previously screened, but not identified.
  • Rescreens are recommended by the TAG office and are screened a second time with the same eligible test data and a new teacher checklist and current grades.


National Association for Gifted Children 

Maryland State Department of Education Office for Gifted and Talented 410-767-0363 (Office of Specialist in Gifted and Talented Education) 

SENG-Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted Students

TAG Events at PRES

TAG Night Showcase 3.13.2023